Dawn of a New Era

"Yes ... needless to say, and when such a crop arrives, it's a sin not to pick up the pipe with fresh tobacco ..." the gnome thought to himself, sweetly sipping smoke from his black lacquered pipe. While Jane is doing what I dragged, I will have some time to relax and enjoy the great weather.

Yes, all the same, to relax - it's wonderful. I didn't take a vacation a long time ago... hmm ... maybe go somewhere? I wonder how long it will take Jane a complete analysis of what I have collected ... Most likely it will be possible to sell well even to gain magic crystals filled with energy.

If you introduce an energy crystal into a new material, then what happens? Yes, so many new ideas, the gnomes had a well-developed symbolic very similar to the Scandinavian runes, it was called "runocriptic" or "magic inscription of characters".

The engineers from the Hilly Valleys, to which Jane belonged, included inscription in the classical subject. It allowed imposing symbols impregnated with energy, more precisely, the ink in them was saturated with energy, these symbols enhanced the properties of ink, so it was possible to create unusual objects or improve ordinary ones by adding strength, sharpness and / or other useful properties.

There were also objects on which a whole series of signs were depicted and completely covered their surface, for example: Hammer of Zarius or Kaleidoscope of Thorne. These magical objects were the pride of the gnome's world, they represented greatness, and the peak of the symbiosis of design and engineering.

They were stored in the Great Engineering Museum of Glory and served as exhibits for young applicants or just ordinary citizens who wanted to see all their unusual and logical idea put together.

Bright ideas generated by the unbridled imagination of inventors showed the world a whole national treasure - a fundamental monument not only of history, but also of intellectual engineering. As in any profession, there were masters of their craft, unfortunately Jill and Jane did not have such in-depth knowledge in this area, but they gained basic skills in training, which were more than enough to enchant a small thing.

To begin with, the quality of unusual materials is not only in its original form, but also during enchantment. Such an approach could give a new impetus to research. Enjoying a beautiful sunny day, lying on his favorite acacia chair and smoking a pipe, the enterprising gnome thought a lot, making plans for the future and considering the present. While his wife at this time: cooked a potion, blew up test tubes and was engaged in any other useful nonsense, as Jill called it.

- The time flies amazingly fast when you do nothing, although it probably flies longer, when it is busy with something interesting ...

No, probably, all the same, time flies faster, when you enjoy doing nothing here ... summed up the dwarf and laughed ...

- Come on! Time to have a lunch! - the wife broke the chain of thoughts of her husband. "An amazing woman" - thought our little bearded friend - "everything is in right time".

"Okay, I'm already on my way," he replied, stuffing the receiver more tightly into the pocket of his jacket. At dinner, they kept discussing new discoveries that Jill had seen.

- You know, I should go next time with you, suddenly blurted out Jane - it's all insanely interesting!

- Mm. Good.

I think it will be even interesting, a family trip ... Heh ... And how is your research going? What new could you find out? In general, not many, but we definitely do not have such materials. They have unusual conductivity; the idea of ​​creating an object from new materials and drawing symbols on it is excellent, although it is not known how much magical energy is needed for this.

-Need to do more tests. Usually, the better the quality, the more characters you can draw on the subject, and therefore more expensive to sell. Conventional materials cannot accommodate long runic writing, because the sheer amount of energy that they may contain is limited. With increasing quality, the ceiling of the item's energy storage also grows. This is how it works. But is it not better for us to sell them first and buy descriptive materials, and optical crystals? And then they are quite expensive...

After all, you can always go and dial through this passage.

- I agree, but then we will not have an advantage in the market, we will already show that these minerals can be mined and soon large guilds will send troops to search for them. And then it will only become a matter of time when they will find your passage in the tunnels. Therefore, I think it's better to keep everything secret for now. What do you think?

- Yes, I think you're right. We use our accumulated funds and buy a standard inscription drawing set and a couple of good crystals.

- It will take more than a couple of ...

- Okay, okay, I understand you, there will be an investment in the future.

- Well, if so. And if nothing happens?

- Let's not talk to pessimists? Everything will work out, if anything, then I can always find a lot of new materials in the end.

After all, life only begins when you are only a hundred years old right? ...