Morning. Day. And morning again.

Soon after all the experiments were completed, the first positive results appeared. And of course, they exceeded all their wildest expectations. Funny, the first invention was their personal pole, an extraordinary, but practical thing.

They say, that every self-respecting gnome should have one such. After days of painstaking work, two perfectly polished staffs flaunted at the entrance to the front door. When traveling long distances, the staff is an irreplaceable thing!

Symbols of the mark, which help him not to break, not rot and practically does not change over time, also give him value and some note of mysticism. Engraved runes in the shape of flowers and mysterious weaves of various sticks and semicircles gracefully framed smooth canes. At the very top, blue mana crystals gleamed lightly. Enchanted to restore energy, staves give strength to their master and restore his lost physical resources.

Thus, the range of movement is significantly increased. Let the stones need to be charged over time, this does not at all touch their tremendous help in distant expeditions. Taking the spare stones for the staffs, Jill checked the contents of his backpack once more.

"So ... I don't seem to have forgotten anything. 15 charging stones ... I think it should be enough."

The stones on the top of the staff could easily be replaced after all the mana of the crystals was completely consumed. In general, the idea of ​​modernizing the staff was the most practical. Awesome thing, useful and simple.

And the style did not require too long and complex characters. In general, the stars came together and here you have improved super-staves! Ha ha ha Interesting ... Taking the old staff, left for comparison, large strong hands alternately twisted it from side to side.

Visually, the two wooden brothers practically did not differ, but upon closer examination, in the second one felt a hidden power, a tree mined in another world was literally saturated with magic. She seemed to ooze out of him, like juice from an overripe fruit.

The tree of another world was clearly a great accelerator for increasing the speed of magic passing through an object. These properties are really impressive energy flow - thought Jill to himself.

According to the final tests on a diamond meter, the strength of the stones, which made it possible to use the properties of the styles to the maximum, was 3.8 times less for ordinary material (that is, the old staff), then the new prototype was almost 4 times more powerful, than its classic counterpart. It seemed like an incredible figure.

So far, this property of increasing the speed of the flow of energy and the passage of energy flows - was the most valuable of those found in foreign materials. It looks much better - giggling, Jill muttered under his breath - so you need to make them bigger and immediately put into circulation... Little greedy eyes shone with bright fire in anticipation of a quick profit.

- Again, examines the stick and talks to himself ... Well, just like a child with a new toy ... - the wife thought smiling.

-I think the following, that we will also do something useful, but obviously not an improved stick ... Heheh.

- I'll go for a walk loudly threw Jill, grabbed a cane and so he was seen. They say that the journey begins with one step, and better with a pozitive step of a pozitive gnome. It's interesting, but are there generally this kind of steps or am I already fantasizing? Wow! Incredible staff! Just a simple strike with him and already such a fountain of energy charges in the whole body!

And legs, as if they themselves carry forward! So refreshing! Amazing! Simply amazing..!

And so the carefree strolling figure gradually melted beyond the horizon. Having returned already in the evening, Jill undressed took a bath and went to bed. Sleep! The adventure begins tomorrow. Looking at Jane sleeping peacefully, he closed his eyes and fell into Morpheus's arms.