Campaign in a new world

Initial studies were completed and it was time for a great trip. Jill and Jane equipped outfit backpacks, game traps, and food supplies for a couple of weeks. In which case, you can always hunt.

Having overcome the magic barrier in the wall, they found themselves in the place that Jill described. Amazingly fresh air and inhospitable rocks are all that surrounded the young couple of adventurers.

After walking at least 30 miles, and it should be noted that the gnomes of the creature are quite hardy, they still had to halt. After examining the place, it turned out to be a pretty clearing on the river bank in the southwestern part of the forest, if you keep a record from the place where they came from and decomposed for the night.

Surrounding himself around the perimeter with traps for rabbits and other small rodents, Jill pulled out a magic tent from his backpack. She was an exact copy of an ordinary tourist tent or one in which clowns like to spend time. True, its size was very unusual - no more than an apple.

So that it fits perfectly in the hand. Having played a little in Picasso, Jill clumsyly drew a circle on the ground with a pair of symbols and, like throwing salt into cast iron with lamb, sent a good handful of magic powder into the flight.

Putting the tent in a circle with strange symbols, he said one word - Aruventi. The circle began to glow brightly with bruise light and as if having heard his request, the mini tent trembled and began to grow in size until it reached the size of a large tent. Light buzzing sound can be heard.

Now she could accommodate not only a wandering clown, but an elephant, and the whole circus addition. Excellent resonant material should be noted - thought, smiling gnome easily. Jane had already managed to bring water by that time and she was boiling at home at the bonfire.

We are guests here, so starting a fire is a little dangerous, "Jill began. "But we didn't notice anyone" - Jane clearly enjoyed the tremendous pleasure of the trip.

"Still, sitting at home with my husband or spending time in a new place under the stars or under the covers, it's clear that the second is much more interesting." Jane smiled embarrassedly, like a girl caught on something forbidden by adults.

"Well, I'll put a couple of resonating runes on the trees, if someone walks we will hear," said Jill.

The signal of these red runes, written on a special fabric, is comparable to the screech of a fire siren or the sound of a copper pipe in a factory when it releases steam under pressure - well, in a word, not waking up when such a thing is nearby is quite difficult.

After a while, they were chatting about the first day of their campaign.

"The sky seems to be higher ..." said Jane.

"I don't know, maybe ..." Jill muttered.

- Seriously, look above ...- didn't calm down Jane.

"Mm ...ok, ok" Jill growled.

Quiet night and the murmur of the river gave the evening an unprecedented charm and atmosphere of life. A true paradise holiday away from everyday routine ...

In the morning, having breakfast, they were in a hurry to new places. Judging by the landmarks and the compass, if you move down the river to the south, you can go to the settlement. The landscape analysis that Jane made, there should be a floodplain in front of the river that can be used in agriculture or industry, if not, it will simply give a good overview on the plain for many kilometers around..

After a couple of days, they left the forest. Further, the river abruptly turned to the north-east and turned into a large waterfall, and flowed further south, narrowing or expanding at its mouth.

"She probably runs into the sea or ocean, but so far it is too far to go and find out"- Jill thought.

It will act gradually and adapt to the situation as it moves deeper into this country and as we learn something new. Knowledge is obviously not enough. But the considerations of the prudent gnome were suddenly interrupted by the sound of hooves.

-And here, it seems, the first intelligent creatures - said wife and took her spyglass, adorned with gold and unpretentious, but cute wood carvings. Two oak leaves framed it at the edges and connected, as if enveloping it on both sides. There was a lens at the end, and another on the opposite side.

This device was no different from a conventional spyglass, except that with the exception that the refractive effect could work at night. A small cavity for the crystal was made in the tube; it helped the tube to work in night mode with practically no loss in image quality.

And in the afternoon he strengthened the possibilities of increasing tenfold.

In truth, a convenient thing for a traveler. But now there was no need for this and Jane saw the horses and riders who were sitting on them.

There were about ten, tall but not as strong as the gnomes. They are thin, but sinewy, in some kind of leather clothes with metal inserts.