Chapter 7 - Secret Technique

Mathis once again made a trip to the adventurers guild to visit Katheryne so he could accept a commission. "Ad Astra Abyssosque welcome to the adventurers guild are you here to accept a commission again?" Katheryne said as Mathis walked up to her. "Yes I am, what commissions are available?" he responded. "I was actually looking to see if there were any adventurers who could deal with a group of hilichurls who have a set up a blockade on the path towards Springvale. The Knights of Favonius usually takes a day or so before going out to deal with these problems, but because of the Stormterror attack many visitors are leaving Mondstadt, and this blockade is becoming a bigger problem as time passes." Katheryne explained.

"I'll go check it out and see what I can do about it." After accepting the commission Mathis asked her for directions towards Springvale and how many hilichurls there were at the blockade. After getting the information he needed Mathis began to make his way out of the City of Mondstadt and began walking towards Springvale. While he was walking he started thinking of the reward he would get for doing this commission 'I hope I get paid a lot for this since this is a dangerous commission and theirs a sense of urgency to it. From what Katheryne told me there was a Mitachurl accompanied by a few Hilichurls, I think I can take them on or maybe I'm getting overconfident in my abilities.'

After walking for a while Mathis finally saw the blockade in the distance. Instead of running straight in he decided to go around the side into the forest, using the trees in the forest as cover he slowly approached the area. Once he was close enough he scanned the area a few times to see where each hilichurl was he decided to think of the best way to approach. 'One Mitachurl sitting directly in the center of the path it looks like it has a shield it had 2 Hilichurls with clubs next to it. A Hilichurl archer sitting on top of the rock there and another one not too far from it in front of the built barricade. I'll take care of the archer on the rock then try to quickly finish off the one in front of the barricade before they cause issues.'

After creating the plan Mathis began to act it out as he did his best to quietly move behind the rock without being seen. Once he got close he began crouching and moved towards the rock where the hilichurl was standing from behind. He created a trident made out of water and reached his other hand out grabbing the leg of the Hilichurl archer and pulled it down quickly stabbing it in the head before it could make any noise. 'Is this how it feels like to make a stealth kill in Assassins Creed but in real life.' Mathis thought as he quickly sprinted towards the other Hilichurl Archer standing in front of the barricade before the other Hilichurls noticed that one of their own was missing.

As he ran towards the remaining Hilichurl archer it heard his footsteps, turned towards him and loaded up it's crossbow shooting an arrow at him. Mathis quickly moved to the side, but being close to the Hilichurl archer when it shot it's arrow he barely dodged it and the attack grazed him leaving a cut across his cheek. Before it could load up it's crossbow again Mathis quickly plunged his trident straight at the Hilichurl Archers face. As it's body dropped towards the ground the other two Hilichurls and the Mitachurl were alerted. The large Mitachurl raised it's shield and began charging at Mathis with full force. Mathis cursed and quickly jumped over to the side rolling as he narrowly avoided the attack.

The other two Hilichurls ran up to him ready to swing their clubs at him, but Mathis quickly got up and created the water trident once again quickly plunging his trident into one of them and kicking the other straight in the head somewhat stunning it. He didn't have to stretch his leg that high in order to kick it seeing how short the hilichurls were the same couldn't be said for the Mitachurl was almost double his height as it began charging at Mathis again he once again rolled over to the side avoiding the Mitachurls attack. He once again got up and easily finished off the remaining hilichurl and put his focus onto the large Mitachurl. He attempted to circle it and attack it from behind but it kept holding it's shield up guarding all his attacks. 'I can't get through that shield I'm only making scratches here and there.

Once again the Mitachurl prepared to charge Mathis attempted to dodge to the side again however due to how close they were he couldn't completely dodge the attack and his left arm got hit. He yelled in pain as he held his injured arm with his other one. 'I can't feel my left arm anymore. I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice.' He thought as he grit his teeth. All of a sudden Mathis began running towards the Mitachurl it held up it's shield ready to block whatever attack that came it's way. As he approached the Mitachurl all of a sudden he slid on the ground and went underneath the Mitachurl. Mathis held his trident with one arm and thrust upwards with all the strength he could muster. He quickly escaped from underneath the Mitachurl while yelling "You're the first to have a taste of my newly invented secret technique you prick!" as he watched the Mitachurl that dropped it's shield roar in pain on the ground.

Mathis took advantage of this moment of weakness and finished off the Mitachurl plunging his trident into the Mitachurl as it quieted down. He made his way towards the barricade and began to destroy it and clean the mess with one hand. 'I'm pretty sure Barbara heals people at the church for free I should go there to get my hand fixed and the cut on my face healed before going and getting the reward at the adventurers guild.'