Thunder God's Heavenly Punishment (Third Arc End)

In the streets of Eden, a single man was running towards the huge blood-colored creature. As he prepared himself, the silver bracelet on his wrist started to shine.

'Thou hast received a piece of great power. Now it is time to awake.'

A familiar appeared in his mind, speaking in an unknown language Roderick didn't even knew it existed. Yet, he could still understand its words when a name appeared in the back of his mind. He could swear that he heard it before, but at the time the words didn't reach him.

"Are you ready?"

[Boy, I have been ready since the day we arrived in this world]

Pressing his legs on the ground, he stopped. With his left hand reaching out to the sky. One by one he uttered the words.

"Drink my blood, eat my flesh and eternity shall be achieved. Heed my call, Platinum Star Crow!"

Cliiink! Clink! Woooooooooooooooosh! The bracelet started to tremble immensely before its metallic form melted into his arm, forming a whole gauntlet before moving to his shoulder, his torso, legs and when this it reached his neck. Most of his skin had lost their color as his hair gained luster of silver.

Soul Merge!

Just as the metal was about to cover his head, brilliant blue light shot to the sky. Dying the whole world blue as the man within the armor experienced numerous changes. That presence which Roderick felt inside him for a long time had vanished while a whole pack of memories loaded in his mind.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Intense pain invaded his body as he felt his entire body melting as his skin and muscles tried to adapt to this sudden change. The transformation took five seconds, but for Roderick it was like centuries.

When it ended, a 2,5 meter tall figure appeared. His entire body was covered by a layer of metal and its head had the shape of a crow's head.

In that second, he received both his memories as a huge amount of data was downloaded into his head. The Thousand Immortal Armors, The Imortal Chart and lots of information were available now.

"I see, so this is who I am." Together with the data of the armor, his memories had also been fully recovered at that moment. He was fully aware of who he once was, but he didn't let this distract him.

"With this power..." Roderick closed his hand. This what he needed for him to know that the transformation brought by the armor was enough for him to endure having all his memories back. He now was immortal, he won't age until the day the armor, which he wore is broken.

"I have fifteen seconds, I must take that thing far away." In the data of the immortal armor. He knew that of the thousand armors, each one had its own name and special abilities.

Bellow, his shoulders, a pair of large platinum wings spread over his body before, he flapped his wings once and vanished as he moved towards the golem at extreme speeds.

Blue sparks appeared in his hand as he punched the golem with everything he had. Booooom! The moment his fist touched the creature's body a huge sick-leave blew the building apart as the latter was sent backwards, leaving the island surroundings and moving towards the open sea.

It all happened so fast that those watching this turn of events in the sky didn't even had the time to think before the entire city was covered in bright lines and vanished.

Looking back, Roderick saw that Eden was gone and smiled lightly. Now they were gone, there was no need to hold back anymore.

"Exterminate all life!" Bellow Roderick, the entire sea around him turned blood red as the countless hands came flying at him.

"No you won't!" In a second the entire sky was dyed black as numerous clouds appeared bringing a violent thunderstorm together with it.

"Let's see if you can hold on against the fury of a God." Holding his spear, Roderick started his counterattack. His body moved, leaving a couple thousand afterimages behind him as the hands approached.

PA! PA! PA! PA! PA! PA! PA! PA! PA! PA! PA! The Blood hands transformed into huge vicious-looking blades at the came at him. Without blinking an eye, he returned the attacks as both slashed at each other faster than the eye could see.

Shockwave after Shockwave, any island or unfortunate beast travelling in that area had long since died under the monstrous battle in the sky.

Hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousand blows were exchanged in a couple seconds. The blood creature was silent, only Roderick was feeling his blood boil as an intense smile bigger than any other he showed before was on his face within the helmet.

"It has been so long since I felt like this. This is how it should be, this is a much glorious battle!" A enemy this power was too exciting to the point he even forgot the reason he was fighting for. In his memories, he was the god of thunder and lightning who ruled over countless others, but what many didn't know was that his greatest talent was in war, not as a ruler.

"However, I should drag this for too long. Fighting a non-intelligent being like you can only bring this much fun after all. But as a form of respect for this pleasant battle, I will defeat you using all my power." As Roderick spoke, the already dark sky grew even darker as the clouds spread even further as well. He may have been laughing as he fought, but even he knew it would be dangerous to drag this fight long as even if the armor could handle the impacts, the body within it wasn't as strong and he already suffered several minor injuries due to his reckless way of fighting.

Standing in the sky, Roderick was calm as his gaze fell on the bloody creature. His aura and bearing had long since changed to the one of a god.

"Thunder God's Heavenly Punishment!" In that second an pressure never felt before spread throughout the world. The beasts running in the ruins of the old civilization couldn't keep their consciousness under this all-powerful pressure as they collapsed on the ground.

His Thunder God's Heavenly Punishment was something which he used to test those who want to ascend to Godhood. However, there were few that survived through this test.

The blood creature was preparing to launch an attack when it noticed its enemy change. For some reason it felt that it was impossible to win this fight and tried to run away, but it was too late.

A huge lightning bolt was shot of the sky like a pillar of light that smashed right on the creature's head. Baaaaaaaaaaang! The entire planet was covered in light as the intense light devoured the creature.

"Holw! Booooohoooo!" Cries of despair and pain reached his ear as it lost all hope and unleashed a single streak of red light straight into his chest a second before the light subdued revealing a huge abyss in the middle of the sea. The hole was so deep that you couldn't even see what was inside.

"Arg!" In that moment when he knew it was over, he observed the abyss while trying to feel the presence of the creature. Fortunately, there wasn't a single trace of its existence. However, its last blow it did manage to hit his chest, making a few cracks on the surface of his armor, thought it was insufficient to break it.

"How wondrous you did it!"

Shocked by the sudden appeared of the voice, he turned around to see its source, but he didn't feel any presence. Then, as if he was hit by lightning, his eyes moved towards the golden spear in his hand.

"You did great removing this problem for us. There is no need for you anymore." As the voice said, Roderick had a bad premonition and tried to release the grip on the spear. However, although he may be acting strong, his last attack just now spent nearly 97% of his energy.

And because of his weakness, he realized at that instant that he could not move anymore as the spear injected a strange energy inside him. As it entered his body, the cracks that appeared in the armor increased as it was about to break.


Crack! Roderick tried to stop it, but it was useless. The cracks reached his helmet as the immortal armor suddenly broke into pieces. A shirtless Roderick with gray skin and large silver eyes that made him look more like a alien than human appeared as his eyes slowly lost the light of life. At the moment his breath ceased, he fell into the abyss. What the owner of the voice didn't realized what the thin, blood-red gemstone which Roderick held in his hand as he fell.