The Letter

In the underground temple bellow the Divine Guardians' headquarters, except for one, all the thrones were filled at the moment.

At the moment, they were all staring at small cloud in the air showing the picture of Roderick falling into the abyss.

"Good, I knew that little guy could do it!" Sea, a middle aged lady with light blue hair giggled.

Nodding with his head, Sky raised his voice, "With this, two stored were removed out of our way. We may have lost darkness, but our plan will surely succeed."

"Yes." Seating in the throne on the left of Sky, a youth with white hair and clothes asked. "And about the brat, we can't risk having her discover her identity."

"No worries, I've been keeping my eye off her. In twenty years we shall show those lowly beasts, what is a true deity."


On the night, Artemis was lying in her bed in shock. It has been a few days since the city was moved, but she still couldn't believe what happened back there.

Ever since Ares told her the news, Hecate and Neptune were in pain as much as her. And like anyone else, they couldn't believe and were in denial for a few days before accepting the truth. However, Artemis still firmly believed Roderick was alive since no one could confirm his death as the city had been teleported to an unknown position.

Since then, she didn't even touch the letter Roderick left to her as if reading would be the same as accept he's dead.

Time passed day by day, and on the day it has completed one year since the incident. A Press conference was held in the first floor of the Divine Guardians' headquarters.

White floor, walls made of dense and extremely hard metals. There were six chairs in the front were numerous reporters gathered by the entrance and flooded the entrance hall.

As for now, only there were three people dressed in black siting on the chairs, Ares, Athena and Hermes. Today was the day they confirmed the death of the island's greatest hero, Roderick Graham and huge monument made in his name.

"Exactly one year ago, a strange creature made of blood attacked our island. The guardians couldn't even protect themselves and that seemed to be our end. However, using a piece of technology buried below the island, we could move the entire island far away from the threat when a single person sacrificed himself in order to give us enough time to escape..." Ares recounted the incident of that day with a great pain in the heart.

"And today, we are here to confirm the death of Roderick Graham." Ares raised his hand and revealed at the tip of a golden spear. The same one the civilians of Eden saw Jupiter wielding in his fights.

On the same day, the entire island held a memorial in his name where everyone had gathered, they had even gone as far as creating a new calendar in order to mark this incident a new beginning. Even Liam and his fiance had gone to pay their respects to him. Yet, only a single person refused to appear.

In a small flat in the northern sector, Melanie was currently seated on the couch and watching the day-long proclamation about the Hero who saved the city. On the walls were numerous photos of both her and Roderick at the time both of them were in the Guardians.

Wiping out the tears on her face, Melanie reached out in a paper letter in her bosom. The last thing Roderick left with her.

Since that day, she never opened the letter, fearing it would put an end to her hope, however not being able to know his last words was just as painful.

Opening the letter, she smiled seeing the way he addressed her, then her face darken and turned green the moment she finished the letter.

Dear Mel, if you are reading this then I must have been betrayed by our own people. Three years ago, I discovered something of huge importance and had to leave in order to find out more, but firstly let me introduce myself.

I, Roderick Graham am not human, I am from a race of powerful beings known as The Asgardians, and I am my race's Crown Prince and the God of Thunder, Thor, or at least I once was.

In the past, we conquered countless worlds under the name of my father, few could know how much my hands are dyed in blood.

We are different from this world's elemental gods, my power only come from within myself and our lifespan is close to unlimited, only Immortals had a true unlimited lifespan, but we could still reincarnate. I won't give any details because it would be hard to understand, but after hundreds of thousands of years, there was an incident in which I lost both my powers and my position as a god.

A piece of my soul then wandered the endless void for who knowns how many years before awakening over here. I still remember the purple sky and the three great sun hovering over the huge and magnificent divine city that once was Asgard.

When I first descended upon this world and father and mom found me I had no idea of anything and my past was a mystery even to me, there was two souls living within my body, my human and divine side had both coexisted inside me for a few years before I got to merge both sides of me.

Now I should give you an explanation about your past which I succeeded in discovering.

A thousand years ago, humanity was easily conquered by the elemental beasts. Yet, a group of scientists captured a group of beasts and made several biological experiments on humans before the first human was successfully given elemental powers. Those people are known as the Primal Children, the base of our entire civilization.

Because human adults couldn't handle the powers, they had to use the primal children as a base to create an entire new human species. There were a couple dozen of them at first, but only twelve of them could be called special, with those twelve being the most powerful, so powerful than others would see them as Gods, yet, because of fate toying with us the most powerful children were infertile and any clones made from them would not even last ten seconds.

At least it was what the scientists thought to be true, but twenty years ago, one of the primal children. The one who ruled over darkness and shadows met one of the higher ups of the beast god church, a female Saint.

She was a pure human with a piece of saint-level wind element Wirlwind Falcon inside her body as well as a Wind Spirit. Not only that, as she was well known in the beast kingdom Kogh Toruhm as the number one beauty. Even those burly and blunt beasts were attracted to her.

One day, in a territorial battle against a near Beast Kingdom, the woman was heavily injured and fell into the abyss. Without her powers and on the brink of death, she met a man shrouded in darkness, your father.