Jupiter Burial Abyss

In the surroundings of the Jupiter Burial Abyss in the middle of the sea, a group of Eden Explorers was searching around the water, looking for the remains of the Divine Guardian Jupiter only to be driven away by a huge silhouette coming closer.

"Oh god! What is that!" The pair of gold rank explorers ran away the second they saw the huge beasts in the distance.

The beast, however, didn't seem to be interested in them. The silver-blue whale shook its tail and dove towards the deep abyss.

The whole abyss was pitch black with many traces of lightning and thunder left behind by Roderick's final blow. Even the whale seemed a bit shocked when looking at the center of the abyss. This place was in the bottom of the ocean, but after being hit by that massive thunderbolt the whole abyss seemed as dry as even, and the ground which took most of the lightning changed into a mystique sea of blue crystal.

Arriving at the center of the crater, the whale's thin eyes saw many pieces of silver metal all over the ground and a gray-skinned figure with long silver hair. The whale could sense, the owner of this body died a long time ago, yet, not only it didn't decompose as its hair even grew a little more compared to the last time it came here.

The whale was about to leave once it made sure the mysterious humanoid was really dead, but a faint reddish glow illuminated the whole abyss.

"It is true!" The whale couldn't believe the warnings it heard were true in the end because laying beside the gray-skinned human was a blood-red human child staring directly at him with its pair of large crimson eyes.


At this moment, it felt as my body was being sucked into a mass of infinite darkness. My body slowly melted, my bones were gone, and all that was left was an intense desire for something and a voice which kept resounding in my head.

[Child, I can feel we are similar. There is little I can do, greedy children are aiming for my power, they plan to steal all the life in this world for themselves. However, I won't let them do as they like...]

The voice grew weaker and weaker as in the middle of darkness, a faint red light illuminated me. The light was gentle and warm, as if the I was embracing the whole world. Penetrating my decrepit body, I saw a new life was forming.

Little by little all the sensations, I thought it was lost returned to me as I felt closer to my awakening than ever....

When my consciousness was finally awake, I saw myself in a straw bed which was strange at first because it was the first time I saw this type of bed. The moment I tried to sit on the bed, I felt the sunlight touch my skin for the first time since what looked like eternity and I sunk in this feeling until I heard steps from behind.

What truly surprised me in reality, was that those weren't human steps, but those of a beast. A silver-black wolf walked up to him, which was a strange thought to me because I didn't even knew what a human being was.

Wait, my eyes were still a bit slow due to the time I was asleep, but only then did I notice he a wooden hut.

"Hello puppy, are you feeling better?"

In my memories, I always felt some distance towards any species of wolves. But this familiar and fragrant smell combined with the womanly voice I just heard made me think of her as some sort of motherly figure.

"I'm... Urg!" I was about to answer her when a I felt a sharp pain pierce through my head. My memories were a mess, millions, billions of images scattered across my mind, it was way too confuse for me to understand what was happening.

"Puppy, puppy, are you alright?" Seeing me grabbing my own head in pain, the female (?) wolf grew worried as she approached me. By then, I knew trying to remember these memories would only worsen the pain, so I let them be for the moment, at least there was a single word I was able to remember.

"Lorel, stop bugging the kid. Don't you see he's just a bit confused because of the long sleep? Give him some time to recover now that he's awake, then you can ask him more." Another female wolf walked in the hut and pat Lorel's head with her front paw.

"Sheesh, I know that. It's just that I can't understand who would leave a human child like that alone in the forest..."

Wait, child!? For the first time I felt something was wrong, I may not have much memory, but the only thing I was sure of was that I wasn't a child. Or at least I was sure of that until I saw what Lorel would show me.

Seeing my expression, Lorel noticed how confused, I was looking at them and went to pick up a small piece of glass with a shape and handle he never saw before. Well, it should be different if I a wolf could pick it up with their paws, I thought.

Lorel brought the mirror next to the bed and my first reaction when seeing my face was...