Movement in the World Pt6. Teach (6/7)

Marshall D. Teach was still looking for the Naked Angel to get information on the fruit he wanted, the Dark-Dark Fruit, and the famous treasure of Gol D. Roger, the One Piece.

A few years had passed but Teach still had not found Asdrerd.


As soon as he learned of Asdrerd's powers, he set off for Water 7 to meet him.

Once he reached the island, he searched for days but found no news of Asdrerd. Eventually, he learned that the Naked Angel had left Water 7 with a Navy ship.

Teach had left, not knowing that Asdrerd would return to Water 7 shortly thereafter.

Obviously, he didn't stay for years wandering in search of Asdrerd, he returned several times from his crew.


At this precise moment, Teach was sitting quietly in a bar, eating biscuits, while he was reading the various newspapers in search of news on the Naked Angel and the Color Criminal.

He knew that if he found the Color Criminal, he would find Asdrerd too.

He was also interested in the powers of the two.

Teach had carefully studied the entire encyclopedia of the Devil Fruits. Initially, he had studied it to find his ideal power, which he found, namely the Dark-Dark Fruit.

Later he studied the various Devil Fruits so as not to be at a disadvantage against them. With the passage of time and studies, he even managed to find a way to assimilate a second Devil Fruits. Sure, he had never tried his theory, but he was confident of it.

For this reason, he was interested in the power shown by the Color Criminal and in the power of being able to see in the future of Asdrerd. Both of these powers did not appear in his encyclopedia.

Teach knew that not all Devil Fruits had been discovered or simply registered, so he was curious and frightened by these powers.

Reading the various news, he discovered only small information.

'In all these years it has only been discovered that he has a partner named Mysha... How can this information help me?'

He had learned that Asdrerd had a partner named Mysha. It was always an additional clue, but it would hardly be useful to him since he did not know her appearance.

He was frustrated! He was so close to finding the Dark-Dark Fruit, but he didn't know how to proceed.

'This Asdrerd seems to have disappeared. The news about him and the Color Criminal has disappeared."

While thinking about this, he praised the cookies he was eating. "They are really delicious!"

"True true!"

"!" Teach turned and saw a girl with silver hair nodding while she was dipping a biscuit in tea.

Not thinking about it too much, Teach started munching on the cookies again and thinking about where to go to find Asdrerd.

After a few minutes, the girl got up and headed for the bartender.

"Could you give me some of this fantastic tea?" The girl asked.

"Sure! Today is the last day of stay, right? The bartender smiled and turned to get some tea in the cupboard behind the counter.

"Yes! Here's the money." The silver-haired girl paid the bartender for the stay and the tea, also leaving a good tip, much higher than the price of the bill.

"Okay, have a good trip Miss Mysha!" Seeing the girl come out of his bar, the man greeted her politely.

"!" Teach was rose abruptly, spilling all the biscuits.


(Author's note: "Criminal! Cookies are not wasted! The Navy is right to want to exterminate the pirates!").

(Author's note#2: "Sorry for the outburst U.U. Let's go back with the story).


"!" Teach was rose abruptly, spilling all the biscuits. It was a spontaneous action, due to the surprise of suddenly hearing the name of Mysha.

Teach was turned around, crushing the few biscuits that despite falling, managed to remain whole.

The few customers at the bar showed compassion for those poor cookies and felt immense sorrow within them. They did not dare to go against an armed man, the only thing they could do was dedicate a prayer to the god Biscuit, creator of all the biscuits.

When Teach recovered from the shock, he doesn't saw the girl again.

He quickly ran out of the bar but saw no girl like the one he had previously seen inside the bar.

"Hey, you have to pay!" The bartender shouted, thinking that Teach was the classic client who tries to escape.

Not wanting to waste any more time or important information, Teach paid the man and asked about the girl.

The bartender saw the black-haired man pay (more than necessary), calmed down, and began to tell what he knew.

The innkeeper seemed not to know the girl. He only knew that her name was Mysha and that she had ordered a single room. It looked like she had booked for three days and two nights and hadn't done anything suspicious during this time.

'A single room... She may not be the Mysha I am looking for but at least now I have a track to follow!' Teach was not sure that the girl was "Mysha" since she always went around with the Naked Angel.

He quickly left the bar and headed for the sea. Once he arrived, he checked all the ships, but he doesn't found Mysha.

"Damn!" He yelled, kicking against the ground.

Even looking into the sea he saw no ship nearby that had just left.

Teach started asking around. Finding no information he decided to wait at the port, after all, nobody had seen her pass.

In the end, not seeing the girl, he decided to take the sea and go in pursuit. He was sure she couldn't have gone too far.

Mysha was not such a common name, but not so rare either. There may have been others with the name Mysha, but he was sure it was she; he had this feeling. A normal girl would not have been able to disappear so suddenly.

At the thought that he will soon find Asdrerd, Teach started laughing.

"Zehahahaha! Little is missing! The Dark-Dark Fruit will be mine!"

He took his small ship and started following his intuition.


1046 Words.

Next chapter: Movement in the world Pt7. The Four Emperors!