Movement in the world Pt7. The Four Emperors! (7/7)


Last chapter to end the "prologue" of volume 3. In the next, there will be the return of Asdrerd.

From the next chapter, there will also be some action! I repeat that my story won't have too many fighting scenes. Of course, it's One Piece, so there will have to be some battle, but I will never exaggerate.

I added a symbol before the names "Queen" and "King" to differentiate them from the words.

- 'King

- 'Queen


Movement in the world Pt7. The Four Emperors!

The presence of Asdrerd and the Color Criminal had made most of the people of the One Piece world move. Among them were also the Four Emperors.



In the New World, there is an archipelago called Totto Land. This piece of the sea is ruled by Charlotte LinLin or better known as Big Mom, one of the four emperors.

Totto Land is made up of 35 islands, whose central island; Whole Cake Island is the home of Big Mom.

It is precisely here that a huge woman was eating sweets. She had a huge mouth and long wavy pink hair that reaches the back, a beak nose, round cheeks, lipstick, and large bulging eyes. She was wearing a polka dot pink dress. This woman was Charlotte LinLin.

Compared to other emperors, Big Mom hadn't found Asdrerd interesting at all. The power to see through time is not something that interested her. If she had wanted to, she could have trained her daughter Pudding to read a person's total memories and be able to discover a lot of interesting information. Furthermore, Asdrerd was on the side of the government and had become king only because of this fact.

In short, she was not interested and did not find Asdrerd's presence threatening.

LinLin was much more interested in the Color Criminal. Nobody knew his real appearance, so she thought he was of an extremely rare breed. Even if he turned out to be human, she could propose a wedding with some of her daughters, since most are still not married. After all, the Color Criminal had cornered the entire World Government and could conjure up colorful golems, which looked very tasty.

"I wonder what they will taste like!" The woman said happily with her tongue hanging out.

Right now, she was looking at a flyer that would look like a bounty. While looking at the image, Big Mom couldn't help drooling.

"I'M GETTING HUNGRY!" She yelled, making the whole island tremble.



The Wano Country is a New World nation that conducts a policy of isolationism; in fact, it is not even affiliated to the World Government.

Kurozumi Orochi is the current Shogun of Wano, but the one who really commands in the country is Kaido, one of the 4 emperors.

At this time, three people stood in a room to argue.

An imposing and muscular being, whose size is very similar to that of a giant, was sitting on the ground while drinking from a large bottle of Sake.

This person had long black hair, a very long mustache, and a pronounced goatee always black. He also possessed long curved white horns on the sides of the head. Despite his purple robe, a breastplate tattoo could be glimpsed.

This man was none other than Kaido.

As soon as he finished emptying the bottle in seconds, he looked at the man standing in front of him.

This man wore a black mask that covered his face, a headdress of the same color with metal points, and a pair of glasses with a gray frame and blue lenses, a black double-breasted jacket studded with three curved horns on each shoulder and two skulls drawn near the collar. He wore black studded trousers and gloves with studs and spikes on the forearms. He also had a pair of large black wings on his back and flames behind his head that seem to burn continuously.

This man was 'King, one of his strongest and most loyal subordinates.

"Are you sure of what you said?" Kaido watched 'King while lifting another bottle of Sake.

"Don't you think you're going too far?"

At speaking was 'Queen, a rather obese man. He was bald, but he had a long braid of blond hair near the back of his neck and a long Fu Manchu-style mustache. His left arm was mechanical from the shoulder down. He wore white and black vertical striped trousers supported by black suspenders. 'Queen has a pair of sunglasses with a white frame and black lenses.

"I'm sure. There will be many wars soon!" The maskered man confirmed. 'King was thinking about the different countries that are fighting to marry the various princesses with Asdrerd.

"Worororo! Finally, some Chaos in this world!"

Kaido laughed throwing another empty Sake bottle to the ground. After the bottle stopped making noise as it rolled to the ground, Kaido continued to speak.

"What did you say the two brats are called?"

"One is the Naked Angel, king Asdrerd, an old bounty of 533 million, a member of the Shichibukai, and a close collaborator of the Government. His power allows him to see into the future. He is also considered the best painter in the world, with the name of Spered."

'King said, showing Asdrerd's bounty.

"He doesn't seem to have much fighting power!" Seeing the image and listening to the young man's power, 'Queen bowed his head slightly and said his opinion.

Before answering at 'Queen, 'King went on with his speech. He was not the type of person to interrupt a speech and start a different one.

"The second is the Color Criminal. Nobody knows what he looks like, but he has already sown panic in World Government. His power allows him to manipulate colors to create different shapes." As with Asdrerd, 'King also showed the Color Criminal bounty.

The paper showed a gelatinous creature of different colors. The bounty was 700 million.

"They don't seem strong at all. I could easily destroy them." The fat man replied after hearing the description of the two on the bounty.

"You're always the usual stupid, Queen," 'King said.

"What did you say?" 'Queen asked in an angry tone but with his classic expression. He regarded King as a "brother", so they often fought over nonsense like this.

"It is true that once the Color Criminal is found, any of us can easily destroy it. Even that weak Jack," 'King said.

'Queen, 'King, and Jack were Kaido's top three subordinates. Of the trio, 'King was the one who used the head, for this, he made fun of the other two for their small learning ability.

"Muahahah! If even Jack can defeat him, I don't understand all this concern!" Like 'King, 'Queen also often made fun of Jack.

"Your stupidity has no limits. Nobody has ever seen him! He even attacked Marijoa without problems. Although nobody knows him, his bounty is monstrously high."

After saying that, 'King checked 'Queen. Seeing 'Queen's confused expression, he realized that 'Queen could not understand what he meant. Therefore, he tried to explain it in simpler words.

"To give you an example. If he wanted to attack Wano, he could do it without problems."

"I will defeat him!" 'Queen said, slamming his fist against his other hand.

"He doesn't show itself, he sends his monsters!" 'King went on, trying to make 'Queen understand the problem.

"I will defeat the monsters!" 'Queen performed the previous action.

"This is not enough to defeat him. Meanwhile, he can destroy the city and kill the population. We will suffer losses." He said before turning to 'Queen, knowing that he too should understand the problem now.

"Oh!" Having understood the problem, 'Queen brought his fist towards his hand, but this time from above, without using too much force.

Seeing Queen nodding, King went on with Asdrerd.

"Asdrerd is even more dangerous. Thanks to his power, he will certainly know about Oden and his family. He will probably also have seen all our plans. Although he is much easier to find and defeat than the Color Criminal, the Government protects Asdrerd. Moreover, if we were to attack him, he will probably reveal all our secrets to the Five Elders."

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?" 'Queen screamed in surprise, showing a shocked expression.

"Thanks to his power, he keeps the whole world in check. Anyone who dares to provoke him will suffer far worse than death."

To interrupt the discussion between the two, a laugh echoed across the room.

"Fuhihihi! They look interesting people! I want to face them."

Hearing the different kinds of laughter and a slightly different tone of voice, the two realized that Kaido had been drunk.

"Kaido-sama, what are you going to do? Do you want me to bring Asdrerd to you?" The round man proposed to his captain.

"For once, I agree with you, 'Queen. Asdrerd is a threat that must be eliminated. However, we cannot act now." In a calm tone, 'King tried to stop 'Queen.

"?" 'Queen asked curiously.

'King tried to illustrate his theory.

"He probably knows we want him dead. I understand his personality. He almost certainly lied to the Government; Asdrerd can predict what he wants."

"Are you sure?" 'Queen knew 'King well. He knew 'King was not a person who could joke like this, but his question came out spontaneously.

'King nodded and started another debate with 'Queen.

𝐊: "His actions confirmed this theory to me."

𝐐: "So how would you like to kill him?"

𝐊: "I intend to eliminate the threat he brings, not to eliminate the person."

𝐐: "Use more understandable words!"

𝐊: "We must convince him to go over to our side."

𝐐: "But he is part of the Government!"

'Queen was confident of his strength and the strength of his companions and his captain Kaido. He was not afraid of the Government but did not understand why to welcome one of the Government among them. It was too risky a move.

𝐊: "True, but not even the World Government would dare to make a move against Asdrerd. The contract they made, the fact that he became king, his protection, and more, is certainly due to the secrets of the World Government that Asdrerd possesses."

"Fuhihihi! I have not had a feeling like this for a long time. Once defeated, he will be ours."

Kaido thought that once he defeated Asdrerd, and he tries their torture method, he would become his puppet. He did not forget 'King's warning; he knew how intelligent the latter was. Kaido, however, was not a man who thought of strategies during a fight, he would have thrown himself head-on against anyone.

"As for the other brat of colors, if he dares to attack my land, he won't be able to escape so easily."


[𝐌𝐨𝐛𝐲 𝐃𝐢𝐜𝐤]

In the middle of the sea, in a white whale-shaped ship, Whitebeard was waiting for Shanks. A few days ago, he had received a request for a meeting from Shanks, who wanted to discuss Asdrerd. Whitebeard did not understand why, but given his interest in Asdrerd, he accepted.

He wanted Asdrerd to become his son, a member of his family. He recognized the courage in the young man; he was willing to do anything to save the children, even if there was no blood connection between them. Despite the age difference, the man felt respect for the young man and wanted to know more about him. This is because he saw himself in the young man.

Obviously, he would never have said it aloud and would not have confided this thing to anyone, he was a very proud man. Whitebeard was a man who joked with whom he respected.

Take Shanks for example, he was a novice both as an emperor and as a pirate, at least compared to Whitebeard, but there was mutual respect between the two "enemies".

Of course, given his strength, he also had justified arrogance. He was not at all worried about the Color Criminal. If the Color Criminal were to attack this ship, he was sure he could defend his whole family without problems.

While thinking, Shanks arrived at Moby Dick.


Meanwhile, Asdrerd knew nothing of all this and was traveling peacefully.


2027 Words.

Next Chapter: The beginning of the real journey.