The beginning of the real journey

It was a quiet day, the sun shone in the sky and Asdrerd and his crew were wandering.

The ship was slightly above average in size, but nothing excessive. The exterior was completely white/silver and no matter how badly the ship was hit by the waves, it still had not got dirty.

It had no pirate flag and had no particular logo on the sails.

The ship's ground was covered in grass and Asdrerd was currently sitting on a chair for painting.

While Asdrerd was painting quietly with number 6 fluttering here and Xott who was following the ship as quietly as possible, Mysha was in one of the rooms she designed.

This room was the kitchen and Mysha was making delicious tea.

It was an oriental style kitchen. Several tea bags could be seen, one different from the other.

Since they were a small crew, Mysha and Asdrerd had divided the various tasks between the two of them.

The cook would have been Asdrerd. Mysha's cooking was not bad, but it was too little varied. Asdrerd, on the other hand, has always cooked for himself. He was not a cook, but it was acceptable for being a temporary solution.

The navigator would obviously have been Mysha, her knowledge was vast, and she knew 99% of the islands. In addition to knowing how to navigate, she also knew the various temporal calamities, the various sea monsters, and the probabilities of meeting them for each place and so on. Before deciding to land on some island, she should have asked Asdrerd.

The rest had been decided based on one's qualities. Mysha would take care of any role that required great knowledge, such as the librarian, archaeologist, etc.

In addition to being the momentary cook, Asdrerd was the captain and the official crew painter. According to Mysha, Asdrerd could very well have also held the role of a seer, which he refused.


It was afternoon and Asdrerd was painting with all his attention. He was happy; finally, no one could have disturbed him during his painting. He could draw calmly without fear of being discovered. Asdrerd was drawing with his fingers, as Xott and Number 6 would have warned him if they had noticed a ship nearby. As a rule, Asdrerd would have felt any presence, but now he was focused on his work.

'It turned out well, but something is still missing ...' he thought while look at the painting he had just completed.

He was drawing the sea in its entire splendor, without islands to limit its vastness. Asdrerd was satisfied with the painting but that something was missing to make it perfect.

'The same thing as when I was on planet Earth. I have to take a closer look at the seabed.' Now that he was not near any island, he could only draw what surrounded him, but he wanted to give life to his painting. A simple sea was not enough to make his paint unique, so he had to go underneath to check the rest and that he could draw it once he got back to the surface.

"Xott!" Asdrerd got up and called Xott.

A monster emerged out of the ocean alongside the ship. This was Xott, the last member of the crew.

Asdrerd once saw Xott, launched himself over his back.

"Take me underwater, I want to explore the surroundings!"

Even if he couldn't breathe underwater, he could very well resist without breathing for ten minutes. He had already tried in the past and understood that the body he had created had the basic characteristics of an average human in One Piece. Even the weakest in this world find it hard to die if thrown against the walls or thrown at very long distances and the like. They were much more resistant bodies than the Earth's average human was.

Asdrerd had managed to reach 10 minutes of holding his breath without too many training sessions, and he was sure he could increase by a few minutes if he would try.

In these 10 minutes, he would have checked as much as possible, especially thanks to his Observation Haki.

Xott was not worried; he knew that Asdrerd could touch the seawater without problems, for this he began to dive even if not too deep since he did not want to hurt Asdrerd.

Underwater, Asdrerd saw many plants he had never seen, strange animals and fish that stayed away from Xott and even sea monsters.


While Asdrerd was underwater, Mysha left the kitchen with the tea she had just made.

"Asdrerd would you like some tea?" She said smiling, opening the kitchen door.

Not seeing Asdrerd in the place where he usually started painting, Mysha started looking for him on the ship.

She checked in the showers, in the bedrooms, in the laboratory, in the library, in the mini-museum where Asdrerd put his works and in the other rooms, she also climbed on the mainmast to check the surroundings, but nothing. Even in her Virtual Maps she could not find it. The device was reporting an error.

'Where did he go?' She thought before looking at the last painting Asdrerd was drawing.

"I understand! He went under the sea huh. I have to wait for that fool." Mysha immediately understood the situation. The error of her metal and the fact that Asdrerd disappeared while drawing the sea could only mean one thing.

"And I who wanted to make him try this tea," she said looking with a sad look towards the cup in her hand.

In addition to making tea, Mysha wanted to discuss very important topics with Asdrerd. As she waited, she would begin to think of some ideas for the name of the crew and the shape of the logo.


After 9 minutes, Asdrerd went up and ran immediately to his painting. He immediately began adding various elements and a transparency effect to show the underwater world.

"Asdrerd, I made you some tea!" Mysha came over and placed the cup of tea on the nearby table.

"Mh Mh!" Asdrerd exclaimed without even listening to Mysha.

"I think it's time to decide the crew name and choose a logo. What do you think about it?"

Years had passed since the foundation of their crew, yet they still had no name or symbol to identify it.

"Mh Mh!" As before, Asdrerd continued to draw focusing only on his painting.

"I'm glad you agree. I have already thought of some nice combinations," Mysha said proudly. She seriously thought that the names she created were perfect, which was completely wrong.

"The various combinations are:

1) Name = Smile Children and as a logo a face of a smiling child. This is because of our common goal of making children's lives better.

2) Name = Save the Children and as a logo a Skull with open handcuffs instead of bones. As before, it connects to our goal of saving all children.

3) Name = Knowledge and calm and as a logo a Skull with a brush and a book. I think it is the best since we are both calm and do not let ourselves be commanded by emotions; moreover, we do not use force but knowledge to triumph.

4) ---"

While Mysha was continuing to list the various names, a flock of birds passed over the ship.

Everyone on this ship loved animals. Asdrerd loved nature and the animals that lived there. For Xott they were like brothers, he knew that all animals were pure and uncorrupted like humans. A similar thought is that of Number 6. While for Mysha, they were symbols of freedom, which she had never had.

"How beautiful! They are the representation of freedom!" Mysha exclaimed looking at the birds. Watching the scene, the perfect name came to her mind.

"Of course! What do you think-." Before she could reveal what she thought would be their future name, a feather from one of those birds fell on the painting. Luckily, it did not ruin anything; you could only see a speck of dirt where he had touched the feather. A detail was so small that it is impossible to notice if not seen up close.

Mysha felt a strong pressure on Asdrerd's side.

Various colors came out of Asdrerd's body, including his wings. Then he checked with the Haki the bird that had dared to soil the painting and decided to follow it.

He was not in his normal state of mind, he was furious. He didn't care to be found out, the only thing he wanted to do was make the damn monster pay for it.

"You will pay dearly! How did you dare?! HOW DID YOU DARE?!?!?"

Feeling the threatening presence, the flock began to escape in various directions.


1465 words.

Next Chapter: Rainbow Demon!