Satisfying Result

The television infront of me is showing news about progress of Mr. Chekhovsky's terrible accident. They are finally able to identify the other body as Timothy Chang. They also found the blackbox of the helicopter few days ago, and the crime scene investigator just published their declaration of this incident as technical error and machine malfunctions.

I turn the television off and slowly lay my body down to my couch. I wince to feel the pain on my spine but my lips grow a smile. It is really satisfying to know that your complicated plan works perfectly. Well, I could have not done it without my team, of course.

The corpse is actually a homeless guy with no identity. He was found in an alley a week before my execution day. Bob bought him from a public morgue then burned the corpse with the same fuel of Mr. Chekhovsky's helicopter. He was burned until he couldn't be identify by his appearance.

The only way they could identify him is by his DNA and teeth. It was Thief's job to hack the nation'sl medical database to insert his DNA and teeth as Timothy Chang. And as always, Thief did it perfectly.

Bob did more than that. He was the one who put the corpse inside the helicopter, and changed passenger side's oxygen with carbonmonoxide. He was also one who put the detonators on the tail and main rotors. The detonators were custom built by his men. Their explossions were just enough to cut certain cables that made those two rotors lost their abilities.

Let me tell you a little bit about Robert Abara, aka Bob. His father was an immigrant from Black continent, but Bob born in this country. Not like Andy and Thief whom I helped killing someone, I met Bob accidentally when I was walking on the street.

At that time, I witnesed him pulling a trigger to a man who raped his sister. He was about to kill me, afraid I might tell him to the police. Instead, I suggested to him how to dispose the body and cleaned the track that would lead to him. I guess, after that he decided to help me when I need him.

Bob has a great amount of resources. He is a leader of a quite famous gang in this city. The gang mostly robs rich people. So, maybe Bob found we have a similar vision. I don't know. I've never thought about my own vision. All I know, Bob may not be too genious in planning strategies, but he always does the job done.

Killing Mr. Chekhovsky is easy. Cleaning the track, on the other hand, is not. It took him a month to totally trust me. I needed him to trust me totally so he would listen to my words without any doubt.

The police squad came to his office not because they found Mr. Sternov's body. They came to asked him some questions regarding Mikhail's report on Mr. Sternov to police. Mikhail reported Mr. Sternov because he was being accused a betrayal by his father, so Mikhail needed to clean his name by put all the blame to Mr. Sternov. That was why Mikhail called his father that day. But it was all a vain.

Mr. Chekhovsky had already changed his will, he gave his company to his daughter Yvette, not allowing Mikhail to touch the company a tiny bit. I didn't need to set up anything on Mikhail, beside "accidentally" lost a tongue in front of Mikhail's man about Mr. Chekhovsky's suspicion to him.

Mr Chekhovsky basically didn't trust him in the first place, even more when he found out that Mikhail was about to kill his favorite daughter. Mr. Chekhovsky was the one who told Mr. Sternov to keep an eye of Mikhail. That's why, when he found out that Mr. Sternov "betrayed" him, he automatically connected the dot to Mikhail.

So, that was how I assassinated Mr. Chekhovsky. Everything was planned and calculated. The only risk that I couldn't calculate well was about how big the explosion when the helicopter hit the mountain. Turned out, it could knock me unconscious.

I was grateful that Thief put a tracking device on the parachute. When I didn't respond their calls, Bob immediately tracked me and found me drowned in a lake, more than ten mile away from my landing mark.

We hired some professional medical people to stand by if anything went wrong like what happened to me. The surgeon is the best surgeon in the state and he did surgery on my broken spine. He said to Bob that I would need at least 6 months to recover. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw me walked out of the 'room'. He insisted me to rest for few days and let him observed me, but I refused him. I had been missing too long.

The sound of opened door pulling my mind back to the present. I struggle to straight my body up, but before I manage to do it, Jennifer is already standing in front of me.

"Hi, Babe," I greet her with silly smile.

"Where the hell were you ? You said you only left for a week. It's almost two week and you didn't even call.." Both her hands on her waist. Her pitch is high, and she tries to stern her face but her eyes are teary.

"No 'Hi, Babe, I miss you' or something.. a kiss maybe ?" I ask her playfully.

"No," she pouts. "Do you know how worry I was ? And Andy didn't help at all since he didn't utter a word about you and your stupid project! What is this project ? Is it dangerous ? Is it illegal that's why you didn't want to tell me about it ?"

I grab her waist and pull her closer to me. "I miss you," I try to coax her, kissing her tummy. She stretches her body away from me.

"Answer my question first," she says. I grab her waist, this time making it as my support to stand. I deliberately emphasizing my wince and groan of pain.

"Wait.. Are you hurt ??" As I expected, she immediately becomes worry. I nod and give her a sad smile.

"I had a car accident on my way back from my project," I tell her.

"What ?!?!" she shouts in shock.

"I was in comma for about a week," this time I tell her the truth, "I was just awoke today and decided to leave the hospital.."

"What ?! Why you did that ?! You shouldn't.."

"Because I knew you would be worry not knowing where I was. My phone is destroyed in the accident. I couldn't contact you.."

"You're stupid!" she scolds me. Yet, the anger is no longer there. "You need to go back to the hospital."

"No. I'm fine. I may only need to rest for few days," I say to her, putting both my hands on her neck and wipe her tears with my thumb. "I'm sorry to make you worry."

"No.. I'm sorry I was mad at you. I didn't know.."

"It's okay." I kiss her softly. "Now.. did you not miss me even a slice of bit ?" I ask her in low tone, trying to hide the pain from my voice. Standing too long makes the pain in my spine worse.

"You know the answer.."

"No, I don't"

Instead of answering, Jennifer kisses me passionately. So while kissing her, I slowly reach the couch back and sit on it. She takes off her suit, undo her shirt a little bit, and lifts her skirt to kneel in between my body then starts to kiss me again.

I miss her delicious lips. I hungrily munch them, invading her mouth with my tongue only to meet with hers and let them dancing in the air before closing the gap and suck each other's air.

She takes my hands and leads them to her breasts. I squeeze her two beautiful round mountains. Breaking some buttons of her blouse with a single pull, smoothly unhook her bras, then playing with her nipples. Doing them all while my lips still attach to hers.

She moans, wandering her hands onto my chest. I don't let her lips off of mine. I want to kiss her forever. She unzips my trouser pulls it down once with my boxer. I wince in pain when I move my hip to help her.

"I'm sorry, I can't.." I say in full of regret. She looks at me in confused before looking on my erect and back to my eyes.

"Something's wrong ?"

"I hurt my hip, kinda. It is painful to move it," I shamefully admit my wound to her. "I'm sorry.."

"No. Don't be.." she kisses me gently. "You better rest."

"But I miss you..." I act like a spoiled brat.

"I'm going to take a shower then join you in bed," she says. I finally agree to her.

I try hard to keep my eyes open while waiting for her comes out of the bathroom. But, my sleepiness drags me to sleep. I can smell her delicious scent when she finally lays her body next to me, but I can't even open my eyes. All I can do is to reach her warm body and pull her close to me.