The ride back was done very quickly we knew the urgency that lies with us being able to make it back to prepare and tracking them back to wherever they are. We noticed a person hidden out near our camp when we got back so we were quiet about our movements and sent Nick to go get the person.

We went into our area and Nick was pulling someone along with him shortly after. All the others had already come out. Nick threw the man to the ground.

"Why are you here?" Ian said

"I won't tell you anything."

Nick pulled the mans hair making his head go back and his throat open. Ian grabbed the mans neck.

"I'll ask one last time why are you here?"

The man stayed quiet.

"Sister." Ian held out a knife. I stepped forward and took it, I knew he wanted me to kill the man. I also knew I had to as he was clearly a threat.

"If he's dead we won't get any information."

"Yes we can, and you will get it for us. The brain is still functioning 5 minutes after death, and u will be able to access his memories and connect to all of us so we all know."

I nodded my head walked over. Nick pulled his head even farther back and I slit his throat. Blood was coming out of his neck. I put my fingers in it and drew up his neck to his temples. I didn't understand how I knew exactly what to do, but it was like instinct. Roots came out of the ground and connected to him, the cam and rapped around my arm, and broke thro my skin. I watched it do the same to the other as well. All of there eyes went white as I only started to see this mans memories. I saw a small group which was a search party that made camp not to far out there were 10 of them and 6 dogs. He stayed behind to keep watch, so he could report back if we did anything suspicious. I saw there location, they were trying to take territory and believe we were the main tribe so it would be an easy battle. I felt for Corey who wasn't at camp. When I found his energy I connect it to show him. After that I quickly disconnect from him and everyone else. We all understood they would be coming back. Emma gave me armor. It was the same as hers. The gold covered our vital organs, along with our arms and lower legs. They put on regular brown cloaks. As did I. War was something I had always tried to avoid the best I could, but I also knew it was inevitable for me to avoid it all together.

I wasn't very sure on how I was actually capable of what I had just done. I had just naturally done it, my instincts took over and which allowed me to do it without any instruction.

I had changed and walked back out. Everyone was in the same brown cloaks and all the horses had armor on as well. Everyone had there weapons. I had the bow and arrows I had made in the past, I had also managed to create a dagger out of stone I had found, but i didn't have enough to creat a sword out of it. Without knowing how to change materials by controlling the atoms that create them, I won't ever likely find enough material to make a sword.

I mounted my horse as did the other and we started our journey. We knew the camp site and were it would be best to stage our attack. It would be easy for us to split into three groups. I'm an archer as is Emma and Maddie, so the three of us would go and position ourselves up in tree from three different spots. The other broke up into two groups of 4, they would come from two different sides. The sides we weren't shooting from or towards. It allows confusion and splits up there men so it's more controllable numbers. Attacking from both sides is an old war tactic. They put numbered us, but we are stronger and have the advantage of surprise. Our attack was planned, everyone knew we would have a quick victory then we would burn all evidence of there existence being here would be destroyed.

What we found upon our arrival was a shock though. They had four dragons, all pinned by chains to the ground. The dragons looked pretty beat up and tired. These people were dragon hunters, no way around it and they had captives. We moved quickly with our original plan. We would have to figure out what to do about the dragons later.

I climbed up into a nearby tree, Maddie climbed into one close by, while Emma took a position that was covered by brush on the ground. I took an arrow as did the others, I aimed for the neck of one of the men. Then the three of us released at the same time. Each of us took out one guard, we as we only aim for head, heart or neck. Normally we go for the neck if we have time to aim that well which only really happens on first shots. Men team over to try and find where the shots came from as we all set out two more arrows. With that the other charges in on horse back from both sides. Easily taking out the other men who were already confused and focused on archers. It was a fairly easy and quick victory.

We all knew now was the bigger question what do we do about the dragons. The other I could tell we're discussing it and deciding but I could tell by there looks they already had planned on killing them. I on the other hand wasn't. I took a deep breath and used my abilities to pull the metal holding them to the ground out so they could move. The other instantly looked at me, I'm pretty sure they were kind of angry. The dragons didn't fly away tho instead the stood there ground. That when I think we all noticed there wings were cut very badly and broken. They couldn't fly even if they wanted to. The hunters had cut through the part I between the fingers of the wings making wholes one that layer which is how we can glide and actually get off the ground, we can't fly without it.

"It's ok, we aren't going to hurt you." I said.

The others looked at me.

"My sisters correct, as long as you don't pose a threat towards us then we have no problem with you." My brother said.

All of us turned and started to walk away I knew we had to get the stuff we came for then burn it all down and leave. We went from hut to hut and collected food, and other useful materials. I'm one hut there was a dog left. She had a small litter of puppies. I heard her wimped as one of them killed her. She was defending her puppies. They seemed a few weeks old. There eyes were already open. It was only two but they are a bred know for to be used for hunting lions along with other big cats, we know them as African lion hounds. They weren't all that old yet. I had enter the tent after they had killed the mother. They had intended to kill them as well. Which is where I stepped in.

"Stop! We can train them and use them to our advantage. They r good hunting dogs and are meant to take down big prey and defend against predators." I went and grabbed the two puppies right up into my arms. The one didn't look the same as the other though. One had dark eyes while the other had more golden eyes and a little darker drown coat then the other. The lighter coat was a male and darker coat was a female, they were most likely a mating pair.

Tribes tend to put mating pairs together as puppies as it forms a bond between the two and males it so they know one another and won't be as aggressive towards one another. That's why Corey's father wants us to pick our dogs now so they can be put together and work as potential breading pairs.

I walked right out of the hut with both puppies in my arms. The two that were there walked out behind me I could see anger on there faces but my cousins were smiling at me. My brother also looked a little proud that I hadn't backed down and had thought ahead making it a good excuse to keep them and bring them with us. We finished putting things in bags and putting them on the horses as we were getting ready to burn everything down. The dragons turned human.

"Stop, please don't." The one female said.

"Why shouldn't we?" My brother said.

"Well as you can see we can't fly. There huts are the only protection we have from other predators and even then once you leave the other dragons will probably come and kill us, but this is the best chance we have." She said.

I went next to my brother.

"What if they come with us?" I whispered to him. He looked at me weird and the other came over to listen to me.

"What if they come with us, it adds numbers to the group making it so other dragons are less likely to attack, the other dragons won't be able to know they can't fly off smell. It also doesn't affect there human form meaning they can still be useful if we ever get into a fight with another clan or tribe. It might allow us to attack from the sky and the ground at the same time, plus potentially over time there wings could heal and they might be able to fly again which is even better for us." I whispered.

"She's right." Emma whispered back, and her siblings and my cousins nodded agree with her.

"Ok, there are still some war horses that this tribe brought that we haven't released the four of them will each take a horse so they can ride with us then." My brother said.

We looked over at them and my brother looked at me saying I could tell them our decision.

"We are going to burn down the village..." I said

"Please.." the woman said.

"Don't cut me off please, we are giving you an option though. You can stay here or join us. You will have to follow our rules and learn our ways of hunting to become one of us. If you choose to, or you can stay here and face whatever awaits you after the village burns."

She looked at the others and got on her knees bowing her head, the others followed.

"Thank you, for showing us mercy. We owe you our lives and will follow you, and do what we must to earn all of your trust and truly become part of your tribe." She said.

"Good then each other you can choose a war horse from there stable. I do hope you mean what you day because our clan will not hesitate to destroy any traitor."

They nodded and went straight to the stables. They each had a chestnut Friesian with light main. We refer to Friesian horses as war horses, since they are commonly used as such and are good horses to ride into a battle.

After that we released the few horses that were left. Zack and Blake weren't on there horses and they turned into dragons. I could see the surprise in the new ones eyes as the two of them lit the entire place on fire. We watched the village become engulfed within the blue flames. With that the twin turned human again, allowing the armor and cloaks to return to there bodies and they got on their horses. We all road back to our camp. It was night fall.

I used my abilities to creat two new huts, and Maddie used herd to expand our stables. We left the horses inside and returned to our huts. I walked inside with the two puppies.

Corey wasn't there which meant he had went to his fathers. I changed into better clothes I also noticed the meat was gone. I went out and took my other horse and road her to the village.

I could hear Corey from outside the hut. I stepped in and bowed my head waiting for him or his father to say something.

I had also brought a gift, it was from the place we had burnt down I had brought one of there weapons back as present for him, also with a little information that proved they were going to attack his village, and the goal was to kill them.

"What do you have for me?" He spoke.

"Proof of a tribe who is incoming on your land, with the intent to attack and kill you all." I spoke calmly, but I could feel his eyes change and the room become colder. The entire atmosphere had changed.

"Bring it here then." He said. I walked farther in and set it down on the table. He looked at it, the atmosphere was killing me, as it had gotten more serious.

"Good work, now were are they? We are marching to destroy them tonight." He spoke.

"We already destroyed all of them that were here." I said.

"What?" Corey spoke, he hadn't seen it coming.

"We marches and killed them, thats why all of us were gone. The weapon was there leaders, as I'm sure you can tell by how nice it is that he was high up in the tribe."

"Ha, aren't northerners supposed to be peaceful." His father laughed.

"We are, until we are threatened. You don't hear of any wars because we wipe trades and intruders out of entirety. We are know for not leaving a single trace that our enemies existed, which is why nobody ever hears of our wars and battles as there is nobody left to speak of it, and everything that would prove they were there or that there was ever a disturbance is burned to ashes. Making it so there is no proof of anything, as the fire burns so hot that not even bones are left." I said.

Both of them looked a little shocked when I said it.

"Who would of thought northerners would be so ruthless. It makes sense though, as I have always found it quite odd that I never hear of any issues with other tribes or really of any wars or battles from any northern tribe. You all know how to keep to yourself when it comes to those things."

"Yes, otherwise you are committing treason against the leaders, as they are the only ones aloud to give details and they must give special permission for it to be talked about at all."

"How many of your people died protecting your future tribe?" He asked.

"None died. A few were injured, but they should recover hopefully without any permanent damage."

"That's surprising, normally when you fight you lose people."

"We were lucky and had the element of surprise, so they weren't prepared for the battle. It made for a quick and easy victory."

"Good, son. I like your choice more and more each time I see her. Always bring me gifts and even her bad new didn't turn out to be bad at all. Her people will make good additions for when times come that we go into harder territories, since we will soon end up moving to where the old world armies have claimed. We always lose people while passing through, hopefully this year we might be a little better off."

"We can have them scot the area before we move in, that way they can destroy any immediate threats that they encounter." Sam said.

I nodded my head in agreement with him, I could see worry in Coreys eyes though. I moved next to him and sat, I put my hand on his and looked at him to tell him we would be ok and could handle it. I mean after all not very many people could stand a chance against a clan of 14 dragons and two hybrids, especially since we would be leading the way and clearing a path for other hybrids. We would still have his tribes army to back us if we needed it, but our tribe had at least 2 purple fire dragons and 5 blue fire dragons, plus it had me. Nothing can compete with white fire other than another white fire dragon. I mean technically I have the strongest fire but purple fire is the second strongest then it goes blue, then yellow, then regular fire. Not many dragons have purple fire, it's more common for a dragon to have regular fire or yellow fire. Unless they are a leader in which case then it's more common to have blue or above, but from my experience and travel it's not common to have more than two blues in a clan, and it's also not common to have white and purple in clan either, I've actually only ever seen two other dragons that have white fire. One of which was my mother. Dragons are too competitive so it's common for a blue dragon to leave to go claim it's own clan and territory since they are stronger and dragons don't like to share control.

The only reason we work is because we are family which is normally the only time you ever see more than one blue dragon in clan. Purple is just an uncommon fire, it's not as rare as it is to see a white fire dragon, but it's still rare. White fire is less than 2% of the dragon population, where purple fire is about 10%. Blue is 20%, yellow is 30%, and regular fire is a little over 38% of the population. It all depends on your parents genes though and what fire they were. Our cousins father was most likely a purple, and there mom must of been a blue, it's the only way one of them could be a purple and the others blue. The higher level the more recessive the trait is, so regular fire is the most dominant trait. Potentially a blue fire dragon and a regular fire dragon could potentially still have a blue or it could be regular fire but have a blue recessive trait but it's not common that the recessive trait would ever get to show itself again as most higher level dragons try not to breed with low level if it can be avoided.

Because of the blood in our family we stay together and it also ensures our own safety and the other are protective of me since I'm a hybrid. We also have all started to bond and with the magic I did earlier it solidified our clans bonds to one another. When I made that connection and showed them what was in that mans memories, I felt a connection with all of them as if we were all one. I'm pretty sure we all bonded to one another, because even when the others were irritated with me, I didn't feel like I was in danger even though I'm sure the two of them could of challenged me. They also didn't stay angry for long. I'm pretty sure the other three have yellow fire though. I haven't actually seen them in dragon form and I don't know them as well but I'm pretty sure that's what they have. That's likely why they don't ever argue with the others, but we are also more of a democracy versus a normally clan or tribe which run off more of a monarchy. Everyone gets a vote with our clan, so anyone can give an opinion on what we should do and if the majority of our clan agrees then that's what we do. We also don't really fight with one another. We have small arguments but any family does, and that's what our clan is. We r just a big family. We all protect each other, and work as a group to figure out the best interest for the clan. I haven't gotten to know the other three men very well since I've been busy getting to know my family, they also haven't really said anything to me because they didn't trust me or like me. I'm a hybrid who they haven't ever meant and was raised by humans for most of my life so I can understand why they are so stand-offish with me. If I was them I would be too, but I've been earning their trust and I think they have gotten to a point that they understand I'm looking out everyone as well and that I've become one of them. They have also seen in more dragon than they had originally thought.