None of us were prepared to as much as we wanted. It wasn't even our wedding yet we all felt some leave of discomfort whether it was for us worrying about Sam or May none of us really knew, but we worried for both of them to some extent. A lot was riding on today and tomorrow morning but at the same there seemed to be some sense of relief as the ceremony went on and May and Sam stood in front of one another. Even with the veil over her face it seemed May had started to calm down or maybe it was because she was able to use the veil to hid and use it as a mask to help her not believe what was truly happening. I'm not truly sure what she was feeling or what anyone else was feeling but the entire ceremony seemed like the air was tense and like it was hard to breathe. I could feel everyone tension that they were giving off and it made me feel even more stiff. Even the preacher who was marrying had to of been feeling it as his words and motion seemed stiffened and bland as well. We all knew there was no love between them and that if something went wrong it could bring devastation to both tribes as both would loss many men in a war, no matter who won both sides would be at a loss. Meaning there marriage had to work and needed to go as planned even if it didn't seem to be going very quickly. The ceremony was dishonest peacefully and everything went how it was supposed to so it went as smoothly as anyone could of hoped. It ended with Sam taking off Mays veil to her face for the first time and then kissing her as it was supposed to. Sam didn't seem to be very empresses actually he showed no emotion at all, almost as if he was made of stone. The entire thing was just one quick and stiff motion.

We all retreated to the tables to eat and drink. It was a relief. After everyone started eating and got some alcohol in them the tension in the air seemed to evaporate into a lively atmosphere. People were singing and dancing while people were playing the instruments. It was quit festive and people were acting as if the atmosphere that had engulfed us all earlier had never existed. Mays mother sat on the other side of the fire. She looked happy yet I could feel the despair radiating from her. She hadn't spoke to May since a few days before when she had said her goodbyes and it seemed as if she didn't intent to speak to her at all today.

It was sad to realize that she wasn't going to see May again and on the last day she would have a chance to see and speak to her daughter she was choosing to sit as fair away as possible in a spot were the fire and people would block her view of May majority of the time. We only caught glimpses of Mays mother throughout the night though she never went very far from her seat. She had clearly already made her peace and when she said goodbye those days ago she had meant it as the final one. I know May realized that as well which much of upset her greatly as her father stayed by her mother's side throughout the night. Whatever words were last exchanged were the last between them. Through glimpses as the night went on Mays mother and father seemed to be laughing and in a cheerful mood. I know it causes May to be more sad as she had to be overwhelmed and wondering why they were trying to see her at all to spend what little time they had left together with one another, but that was the choice they had made.

Sam and May left after staying for a few hours. They had stayed for people to congratulate them and to be entertained by the dancing and music for a little while, but I think Sam had gotten tired or grown bored or maybe both. So he grabbed May and went over to their horses and rode off to the small hunting cabin they had made night before and that Corey had finished preparing for them earlier in the day.

Now May would be left completely alone with Sam. This would be the first time they would get any time to by themselves to have a chance to get to know each other or do other things if it was what Sam wanted. Since Sam and May had left that meant the entire party would be over soon so we would be permitted to leave within the next 5-10 minutes. After all nobody would be able to say anything about it other than Coreys father and he would likely leave with us since none of us had any interest in staying and we're only here since we needed to be. Some alone time was going to be nice we could all finally relax a little since we were trying to get things ready or teach or look out for anyone else since we all knew how to protect ourselves. Liz would finally get a tent to herself and we would be return home tomorrow so we need to sleep so we wouldn't be tired and trying to ride our horses. It can be dangerous to ride for long periods of time when your tired as riding in itself is tiring and hard on your body.