The rest of the night went on without any issues. All that was left for us was to wake up the next morning to get ready to leave while Coreys father would go to insure the marriage was compete. We woke up with the sun and as much as we wanted to lay with one another Corey and I both knew we had a lot to do. We were charged with breaking the camp down in order to leave and we needed to have everything finished before his father and brother and new sister in law returned. Liz was up when we left our tent. She looked as tired as we both felt. Although we had left the wedding pretty early we came back but didn't go right to sleep.

Last night after leaving the wedding we all went out. Corey had found a pond while out on the hunt and told us about it on the way back. Liz and I decided we wanted to go to it and go swimming since it was warm. It gave us all a chance to get away from everything for a little while as well. We had been busy the past few days getting May and Sam's wedding ready and making sure all the traditions were followed properly so we were all ready to go have some fun. We hadn't planned to go out and go swimming so we only had the necessities for the trip. Therefore we all went in our underwear. We also didn't leave the wedding empty handed. We each took a bottle of alcohol that the other tribe had brought since it was different then the wine we are used to. The taste wasn't all that good and it burned when we drank it, but the way they mixed it with other drinks diluted the bitter burning taste that it had which was interesting and captured our interest. There alcohol also got us drunk much quicker then the wine we normally had. That might be why things took such a turn. We only drank one of the bottles while out swimming and dropped the other two back off at the house, but while we were at the wedding we had our own fun. We drank it by itself and then mixed it after we saw the people from the other tribe doing it. If we were being honest the fake that we didn't fall off our horses was surprising. The pond water wasn't super clear but it might of just been because it was dark out. That made it so we couldn't see almost anything. Corey got wood while Liz and I stripped and got into the water. He then joined us shortly afterwards. It was a great night we splashed and played games and stayed out late. When we got out we had a fire and drank some more around the fire which somewhere between getting back to the camp and taking our horses to the pond and half way through our fire we realized an entire bottle of the alcohol we had taken was gone. I felt that we had done to much to have drank as much as we had but clearly we had some time somewhere. Shortly after we realized the bottle was empty we returned to camp. We were very quiet about returning as there father had no clue we had went out. We had snuck out of the tents and then back into them. The alcohol had made all of us throw up at least once before returning to the camp, so it clearly did something or we had just had to much and our bodies were trying to get some of it out of our systems. Either way it was a great night despite all of that.

The night before was more than just a blur though. There were pieces that seemed to be missing but most of it we remembered, but to be fair we all woke up with a headache and not feeling great. Corey said we had a hangover which neither me or Liz had ever had before. To be fair Liz and I don't drink very much normally as it not looked upon very welcoming for women to drink in public or in a males presence, but Corey drank with us and doesn't really care all to much about most of the social norms within tribes. It was a good thing his father was already gone when we got up, his father doesn't like women drinking more than a glass or two or getting drunk in general. We had a small breakfast when we woke up and drank some water to make us feel better. We took the camp apart and packed everything away pretty quickly despite our headaches. If we weren't hungover we definitely would of been able to do it more quickly. All we had for breakfast was bread and berries since we didn't feel great we didn't want to eat anything that was to filling since it might cause us to get sick.

We heard horses approaching shortly after we filled up our water bottles. Corey said we needed to keep drinking water so we would stay hydrated and it would make the hangover not be as bad and our headaches not hurt as much.

Coreys father didn't have anything to say once he came into sight. Sam and May came into sight shortly after he did. May road behind Sam and just by the way they looked we figure it would be a long day. They looked as tired as we did which I can't blame them. They had a long night as well I'm sure. Coreys father definitely looked over all of it and like he just wanted to go back to clan and like he couldn't wait for the migration. After we migrate he disappears for the rest of breeding seasons and doesn't come back until we have migrated once again. I'm not really sure how he finds his tribe after being gone so long but he probably doesn't go all that far so it's easy to find them and follow behind or leave ahead of time if he already know where the herd is migrating to next. It could also be that he's a dragon so he can track off scents or fly above and see it which would explain a few things about Corey but if he was a dragon it wouldn't make sense why I can't smell it. They all sleep different then the other hybrids and humans but they don't smell like the other dragons. I find it weird but I don't know why it's that way. Maybe they had a witch that was able to cast a spell so that other dragons wouldn't be able to smell them so they wouldn't be targeted but I have no clue what else it could be. Not that it really matters at the end of the day.