The ride back seemed even more quiet then normal. It made it awkward so it was nice when we got to ride ahead to hunt. It was relaxing to hunt as normal, but Liz brought up the offer I had made her.

"Corey, do you think I should agree?" Liz asked.

"I trust Megan. If she's asking for something from you it's because it's necessary and it won't be something that hurts you. You just have to decide are you going to be part of fathers tribe or part of hers. That's your decision to make. Just make sure whenever you choose you know for sure it's what you want because you won't get another chance to learn magic and be able to use it again. One the other side though once you agree your no longer truly a meme bet of fathers tribe, once training starts we live there and become one of them. You have to be able to take it for the good and the bad, it's a difficult decision since you don't know what your getting into or if you have strong enough magic to be able to us it anyways because there's a chance that even if your taught the technique you won't be able to access your abilities. In that case you gave up everything you had and don't have anything to really show for it because if we can't learn I'm not sure how well we will survive in there tribe since they use magic for almost everything. There's also no turning back once you say yes or no because if you know there secrets you won't be able to leave to go back to fathers tribe, it's to dangerous to let people go around with there secrets and it makes it so people who are reckless could come in contact with a way to preform magic and cause trouble for everyone. The only way you leave Megan's tribe is if you die so you need to be able to accept that."

"Coreys right, he already agreed knowing full well what he was getting into and that he's the next leader of your tribe and that it came bring our tribes together and we can have a special elite group trained after that but that there elegance will be to us. Since even after our tribes merge mine will still stand out and be different and we likely won't all live together and as a special group they can live separately and help protect the clan from threats before they reach the rest of the people. Even once we merge if you say yes you will be part of that group and you won't be returning to the clan you will still live separately. You can obviously still get married but it won't be to anyone who has enough pull that you will leave because that'll also give a chance for you to be used or for other to learn something that's dangerous for not only themselves but everyone around us. It could cause another war if in the wrong hands and a war that could destroy majority of what's left of the human race, but in the right hands it can build an empire that will last for thousands of years. I'm not going to sugar coat anything for you because it can be dangerous to learn it and there a chance you won't even be able to. It's your decision at the end of the day, you just have to tell us before we return you have time to think about everything you know and what you want." I said.

"If I join you then I never have to worry about marrying out of the tribe and getting into something we're I can't protect myself and if I stay then I'm at risk of losing everything. I'm just scared I'm going to have regrets." Liz said.

"Your right you very well could regret it. You know your fate if you stay with our tribe, but you don't know it if you choose Megs. Either way you have a choice right now that could change everything for you. Your my sister and will always be no matter what you choose to do, neither me or Meg will hold any resentment or hard feelings if you turn down the offer or if you agree and aren't able to use your magic. So you need to choose what you think will be best for you and the future you want." Corey said.

Liz nodded she realized how hard it was going to be to choose. She knew it wasn't going to be an easy decision before but I think this is the first time she truly realized what she was going to give up if she said yes but also what she could potentially gain if she said yes because saying yes means there is no guarantee and she knows the fate that is in front of her if she stays. Even the fate she knows isn't something she knows for sure since she doesn't know who she will marrying or how they will be but she knows she will be sent away and either way she will lose everything and have to start over.

We finished hunting and meant back up with the others and set up our tents since it was now nightfall. This time we had four tents to set up instead of three so Corey helped Liz set everything up as well as me. She set her tent up right next to ours that way it was easier for Corey. Since now Sam had his wife and his own tent to worry about.