I got back to the camp quickly after leaving the funeral over at Coreys village. I came to Zack's side. I did what I could with my magic to try and help her. I knew she wouldn't live through the night after touching her. I was the best one when it came the healing as I was the only one who could heal people since I was a hybrid. The others could take shed pain away and heal small wounds but nothing big. It was a trait onto hybrids held and we couldn't heal ourselves. Dragons heal fast then hybrids or humans and likely descended from what humans call demons instead of angels but some hybrids had angel in them along demon blood so we had the angels abilities to heal other and some witches descended from angels instead of demons. It's likely whoever my father was had angel blood which is why I have the ability to heal people.

I did my best to make her comfortable but she had to many wounds for me to heal her since I take the wounds onto my body as well. All I was able to do was heal the infection the rest was to far gone so I wasn't able to do anything with my abilities. I got cuts on my skin everywhere that she had been infected and I had healed.

"I'm sorry I can't do anymore for her." I said.

"Thank you." Blake said.

"You did all you can, don't be sorry. You took away a lot of the pain by healing the infection and gave her a chance to be able to heal because without the infections she might have a chance to heal on her own, and if nothing else without the infections it's easier for us to take her pain." Emma said.

"I just wish I was stronger so I could do more for her." I said.

"Meg, you did all you can. I wish you could do more to, but thank you for helping her even though you don't know her and aren't close to her you still healed her as much as you even though it hurt you." Zack said, I could sound how sad he sounded.

"It doesn't matter how close I am to her, she's one of us and she's important to you guys which means she is important to me. Your the one taking her pain even though it's hurting you, so the least I can do is try and help." I said.

"Your a good friend Meg." Blake said and grabbed my hand.

I looked over at my brother with a face that showed that I knew she didn't have very much longer. He understood and I think he knew it as well from the scent she was letting off and how she looked.

"Zack how about you take a break and let someone else take her pain for a little so you can recharge." Ian said.

"No it's fine." Zack said.

"Zack he's right you need to take a break let me do it for you so you can recharge." Emma said.

"No I won't leave her." Zack said.

"Nobody is asking you to leave, just let Emma take over for a little while and I'll heal you and you can recharge because your of not sue to her if you collapse from draining yourself." I said.

"Megan's right Zack, me and Emma can trade you out and rotate with taking her pain so none of us get drained." Blake said.

Zack just nodded and Emma stepped over to her other side and grabbed her hand. Emma's Veins turned black slowly as she took the pain away. Zack took his off and his entire hands had turned black.

Taking someone's pain mean that the other person is feeling it for them and there is a side effect to it. It's almost like frostbite. You can lose limbs if you take someone's pain for to long and it drains you. It makes the person taking the pain away weak along with the physical effects of also can cause the person to lose consciousness if they do it for to long. I can heal frostbite so I know I can heal Zack's hands so there isn't any permanent damage. After healing Zack i heard Corey and Liz enter our camp.

They walked into the hut we were all in and they saw how badly hurt she was and saw the black going into Emma and saw my new wounds which I saw Coreys face change it looked like he was worried about me. Liz look like she was in shock. I got up and walked over to them and pulled them both out.

"Your both going to stay in my hut for tonight I'm going to be staying with them tonight." I said.

"What happened to you, why are you hurt Megan!?!" Corey asked with a lot of concern in his voice and it was written on his face that he was worried.

"I healed her the best that I could, I was only able to get ride of the infections though because the rest was to far gone. Then I healed Zack because he has taken her pain for to long." I said.

"Wait so you can heal people and take peoples pain away, so why can't someone else do that?" Liz asked.

"Well only certain people have the abilities to heal. You have to be a descendent of a witch who was from an angel line where as those who can take pain are descendants of either a demons or fall angels line. Depending on what one or ones blood you have in you determine your magic and what your capable of doing. I'm the only one who's able to, since Ian's only my half brother it means my father had angel blood in him and his father didn't. Therefor I have to be the one who heals them. All magic comes with a price and to heal I take part of the wounds and for them to take her pain they take her pain and it drains you energy and can cause permanent nerve damage if you do it for to long and it can result in lose of limbs if you aren't healed." I said.

"Oh, so how do you know what you are?" Liz asked.

"You won't know until you start using your abilities if you are able to access them then when you go to help someone who's hurt you will find out, since then they will either be healed or you will take the pain they are feeling." I said.

"Oh. So basically..."

"Liz, enough. We're going to go to your hut and rest for the night so you can go back to your family and do what you need to do." Corey said not caring that he cut his sister completely off.

"Please don't push yourself to much love." Corey said as he pulled Liz away to my hut.

I couldn't help but smile, it didn't seem to matter that I was still mad at him for lying to me about the girl. It all left my mind as soon as I saw him and all the anger or resentment had was all gone for a few moments. When he left the anger returned but it had lessened and was more of just irritation then anger. I don't know how but he always seemed to have that effect on me, but right now he was only a distraction.

I had other things I needed to do and I needed to go be there for the people I cared about because we needed each other right now. We stayed the entire night all together. Emma, black, Ian, Nick, and Zack all took turns rotating taking her pain away they each only did it for 30 minutes at a time that way they didn't drain themselves to much and were able to heal before they did it again. To make sure the wouldn't have an nerve damage and that I wasn't stressing my body out to much by healing them very much. It was a long night. I also kept trying to heal her little by little to see what I was able to do, but I wanted bake to heal her enough for her to wake up. Ever now and again she would move a little or groan. Even with all of our effort it still wasn't enough. She died in her sleep around sunrise.

It was heartbreaking to know all of our effort didn't do anything in the end, because it was already determined that she was meant to die. Maddie, Logan, and the other new member of the group had been setting up an area for her body to be burned in case she died while we all switched out between each other. As much as it sucked because nobody wanted that to be how it ended and we had hope she would heal and get better since she started to move and make noises in her sleep. We were wrong and our hope only us caused more pain in the end.

The rituals only take place at night so her body would be prepared to be burned tonight. It could only happen when it dark as that's when the ashes and sparks are the brightest and stand out the most so it's supposed to be easiest for the soul to follow the embers then. If it happens during the day it's to bright so the soul might lose the embers and get lost and not be able to cross over. So they are said to be lost in a limbo and forced to wander, or at least the what our mom always used to say. If the souls lost the embers it would wonder the world but in a limbo state unable to interact with any of the living only able to watch everything happen around them until a dark spirt found it and would drag it to hell. Which is why burning the body at night is so important and if you don't burn the body then the soul will remain trapped in the husk of the body it used to inhabit and control. Without the body being burned the soul wouldn't ever be a be able to leave and would be trapped unable to move on and find peace. Our traditions are very important.

I went to see Liz and Corey after the sun rose up high enough that i figured they would be awake. When I walked in Corey had already made breakfast and had some waiting for me.

"You look exhausted babe."

"You look like you didn't get any sleep. How the girl?" Liz asked.

"She passed away early this morning. We did everything we could for her and we thought she might make it because she stated to move around and make noises in her sleep, so we had hope but in the end she was hurt to badly to be able to heal." I said.

"I'm sorry babe you should eat something and then sleep so maybe you cans tart to heal." Corey said.

"I don't have time to sleep. I have to help get ready for her funeral tonight." I said.

"Well we can help you do that so maybe then you can rest." Liz said.

"Thank you for the offer, but our funeral is all about tradition so the soul can move on and find peace on the other side so it has to be done a certain way." I said.

"Can we come and see them?" Liz said.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea." I said.

"Why not? We are one of you now so should we know how to do funerals for each other if one of you would die so we can help next time." Liz said.

"I'll talk to my brother about it, but if you are aloud it is one of the most secretive things we do. Only people who are like us and have magical ties that are strong know the traditions so it's something that can't leave here." I said.

"So it's the same as everything else that we are going to learn. Everything you do is secretive and can't leave here." Liz said.

"That's fair babe. I know what I'm getting into and about your secrets and she doesn't know any so she's going to be more curious." Corey said.

"I'll talk to my brother about it and see what he says." I said.

"Ok." Liz said.

After eating I went out to find my brother and the others. I was going to ask because at some point Liz would need to learn what we are to understand why we know what we know and if she was ever going to be none of us she would need to know. It's just early then I expected for her to find out. My brother and the other agreed that they would both come because they did need to understand the funeral rights and all agreed that she would find out we were dragons sooner or later.

We got the preparations almost completely finish. We dress her in the cloaks we wear when we go to transform and brought her body to the areas where the fire would be set. There was wood which created a circular bed off the ground but there is a flat squat part in the middle that we laid her body on was covered in red chrysanthemums, white orchids, white lilies, and white tulips. "Chrysanthemums are a symbol of death and mourning, and the red chrysanthemums represents love. It also adds a pop of color. Lilies are a symbol of renewal and rebirth, a white Lilies also symbol youth and purity. While the white tulips represent worthiness and the graceful way the person lived on earth. Orchids symbolize femininity, white orchids symbolize beauty, elegance, and innocence. While moss is in between the open spots on the sides where the wood has gaps, which stands for charity and maternal love.

The flowers were only on a squat inside of the circle. Along the circle stands for unity, harmony, protection and represent the life cycle. While when the squat is alone it stands for balance and stability. Circles represent felinity while squares masculinity. This is because it's the same design used for both males and females so both are respected in it, along with that when a square is put inside of a circle it represents the connection between the humans and the divine. Everything has a purpose when it comes to the traditions we have." I explained to Corey and Liz.

"So why do you dress her in a cloak then?" Liz asked.

"Well the cloak represents the mind, body, and spirit. It's a symbol for the spirit realm and is a talisman from harm and is thought to keep the wearer safe and secure through transition." I said.

"Wow so everything actually is a symbol and represents something important?" Liz asked

"Yes, everything means something and has a purpose in what we do." I said.

"What about the fire?"

"Liz your stupid, fire is one of the four elements and represents knowledge, enlightenment, renewal, and purification." Corey said.

"Be nice to you little sister, she just curious."

"Well she should know that one."

"Buts it's more than that Corey, we are born of fire so our spirits can only be released from our human tethers by fire." I said.

"Ok, I'm not really sure I understand the born of fire bit but I the rest of it makes sense." Liz said.

"Well you will understand soon enough." Corey said.

"The sun is about to set so we will start soon." I said.

"The two of you might want to back up, a lot." Ian said. I nodded my head in agreement and Corey grabbed Liz's arm and pulled her a good distance away. We all had our cloaks on and took them off. Liz looked like she was in shock that we had just all stripped off the only clothes we had on.

With the cloaks out of the way we all transformed, even the new members who we had saved not all that long ago. I didn't see Liz but we all blew our fire at the same time. The reds and purples and blues and white all mixed together and the flames danced as we went back to our human forms. We put our cloaks back on after we returned to our human forms. The flames still dances and the embers floated off into the air as if creating a path to be followed.

"Oh my god. Your not humans!" Liz said shocked and tried to back away but Corey grabbed her and stopped her. "Did you already know about this?" She looked at Corey as she asked him. And he nodded.

"I've know for a while. I saw Megan start to transform last year during mating season and that's when I first want his brother. They already explain everything. They aren't pure blood dragons although most of them are as pure blood as you get anymore. We are all hybrids. It's why we are stronger than normal people and why our eyes glow and we can see in the dark and we heal fast and are stronger and why we are able to use the specific metal that makes it possible to kill other dragons." Corey said.

"He's right as the perfect time of dragon becomes smaller in you blood line the less of these gifts you will have the closer to human you become. We know how to use magic by not drawing from ourselves because it's something passed own in hybrid dragon blood lines. It's also why we hunt the way we do. We do all these things differently and better than normal humans or hybrids that aren't taught how to truly be hybrids or that they even are hybrids because we higher percentage and were taught how to control and use what we have been given." I explained.

"Wait so me and Corey are also hybrids then?" Liz asked.

"Yes we are. Megan proved we have more dragon in us then I would of thought. When we slept together it pulled my dragon out and your eyes glow the same way mine do so I think your the same and that we might be able to pull our dragon out and think of how helpful that will be for our people. We can fight other dragons and other humans and actually be able to protect everyone. If we just learn how to control it."

"I wouldn't suggest fighting stronger dragons if I were you thought. The more dragon blood you have in you the strong you are a a dragon and the type of fire you have also determines a lot. I wouldn't stand a chance against any dragon that had the same type of fire as me but since I have white fire and it's the hottest I'm fire proof to all fire that aren't as hot, so I can stand a chance against someone like my brother who has more dragon in him because of my fire can burn him. As you know dragons aren't invincible and we are still human as well. You just watched one of us die because she got killed from a stampede of buffalo, if she were in dragon form obviously that wouldn't of happened but we can't stay in dragon forms all the time because we eat more in dragon forms then in human and we are bigger and more of a target since stand out so since we are hybrids we are able to stay human and blend in and although we still have dragon in us our human body's are just as susceptible to injuries and illnesses as any other human." I explained.

"It's also a secret that can get you and others like us killed that why we if you said yes the only way out would be if I died because the secret could kill out an entire species of subhumans. It would also put our entire family in danger." Corey said.

"But you guys will teach us how to be like you and use magic like you?" Liz asked.

"Yes, if you have enough dragon in you and are capable of transforming new will teach you how, and we will teach you how to use magic if you have the ability to use it. It's possible to only have magic though and to not be able to transform even though you have dragon in you. It complicated on how it passes down through your genes but you are either can or can't do it and there's nothing you can do to change it if you can't because it's genetic." I said.

"It's likely father has dragon in him since we all have the same trait of glowing eyes and we have different moms. Dad is the only tie since we are half siblings and I don't know if he just ain't aware he has dragon in him or if he knows and just hasn't told us." Corey said.

"It doesn't matter either way. I want to learn how to be like you Megan. It give me the chance to choose my own fate and as scary as it is that I might not be able to turn I can at least maybe understand some more about the things I can do even if the thing isn't the same magic or transforming." Liz said.

"Well I'm glad to hear that, but it's dark out and getting late so we should go back to the camp and we can start training tomorrow." I said and smiled. With that we all went back to the camp. It had been a sad day and a long few days and night with almost no sleep. I was ready to pass out as soon as we got into the hut. But I still had to change before I could do that. Liz had set up a second bed in my hut the night before when her and Corey both stayed in here and this time I was joining them. It's was going to be kind of weird since Liz is his sister but we also can't do anything not that I wanted to. I was to tired for it anyways and just wanted to sleep.

As soon as I hit the bed and closed my eyes, I felt myself already starting to drift away into a deep sleep. It was much needed as I was still hurt from the day and night before of trying to heal people and save the girls life.