The mess we came back to was something none of us had expected. We hadn't planned on being Liz into any of this so quickly over time we beloved she would find out. It just wasn't ever a thought she would learn it all the first day of teaching. Our funeral had much deeper meaning then her old tribes, but her tribes funeral process was probably closer to ours in the start and as years went on pieces of it was forgotten and left in history. They still have fires and flowers that burn with it and the most special belongings that go with the person. But a lot of it was forgotten to mixed within other cultures over time, such as the item that burns with them is no longer a cloak or special clothing or the objects they use to fight in battle to take with them to the after life. It also no longer takes place at night, it's whenever is most convenient for them.

Our is also a fire filled with color and life. The fire dances and is constantly changing just as our lives are and have since the beginning of time. The colors change and reflect within one another. Our fire burned the entire night after we lit it, since our fire burns so hot it's hard to put out as even low grade dragons that breath basic orange and red fire burns hotter than the regular fire. Also when dragons die we are no longer fire proof so even the lower fires can burn your body. I was happy that it didn't effect Liz very much from what we saw and it did help her understand a few things even though I'm sure she's more confused then before now. Since we dropped a bomb that she might be a dragon as well and was never told and doesn't know how to control it. It's weird for dragons to not know how to.

From the funeral we noticed some things from the new ones we brought in. They lost there wings but there bodies are adapting. It's something called a dragon who lost there wings can sometimes adapt into something called a drake. They adapt after losing there wings to be more effective in land based movement. Most dragons can't do this, it only happens when they are in group and even then they have to live long enough to do that and that means they need help with protection, which means drakes are rare to find. They are here with us which has given them time and safety so they are able to adapt. They shrink in size a little, they are only about 16-18 feet tall. While we are 20-24 feet. This is actually relatively small compared to what dragons used to be. Time passes and due to taking more human shapes and area in order to survive we got smaller and smaller. Our ancestors were much larger reaching 100 feet tall, but that isn't realistic for dragons to maintain anymore. In result we shrank in size dramatically over the years, we aren't even 1/4th of the size of our ancestors. It would of made us a lot less scary compared to other dragons I old time but it also makes us scarier as it's hard to see us coming or to hear us. It also makes it easier to hide. The smaller size also helps with not effecting our human form as much as we aren't growing as much. We are all around 6 foot so we are still more than tripling our height when we transform, but it's not as bad as it could be. Transformation also isn't as painful if you doing it more often where as if you don't transform for a long period of time it can be hard to do and is very painful. Which is something Liz and Corey will likely realize. If they try to transform it's likely going to hurt a lot since they haven't ever transformed in there 16-18 years of life. They also won't get it right away so it'll take time to work up to it. First they will have try and context to there magic in a human for because they are going to need to know how to use the entertainment around them to there advantage and to read it before they will every be able to learn how to control it while it's running through them going into a transformation. They also will need to know how to sense energy as that's partly how we feel out where the airstreams are and are capable of using them to help us fly with using less energy. They have a long way to go until they will be able to do what we can and honestly Liz might not have enough dragon in her to transform and it's possible that Corey doesn't either but I think that he does but we will see.