(@qt.inniejin on IG)
"please tell me again why i agreed to go with you to this formal ball themed, rooftop party?" you asked minho as you were adjusting your dress and struggling to balance on your heels.
"because you're my bestfriend." he replied. you walked up to him to fix the collar of his tuxedo and patted smooth his tuxedo jacket. "so what's the occasion for the party?" you questioned him and link your arms today while walking to the elevator.
"uh do you remember chen? uh well... he's engaged !"
when you two arrived chen quickly went to greet minho. "hi minho glad you could make it. are you and y/n finally together?" he asked while looking at how you two had your arms linked together. you were quick to respond. "oh no, no you're mistaken. this what i do so he doesn't lose me in a crowded place." chen nodded understanding what you meant since it was quite packed. after that he left to greet other guest.
minho unlinked your arm. he started walking away from you with a grumpy face, "don't follow me. stay there i'm gonna go get us drinks." you let out a quiet hum and soon minho disappeared into the crowd.
after five minutes or so minho returned with what seemed like a wine glass in one hand and a cup of fruit juice in the other. "here i got you some berry mix juice since i know you don't like alcohol." you thanked him and you two just stood there not knowing what to do... until the dance music came on.
"minho, would you care to dance with me?" you said before cracking up at how childish you were. he laughed along and replied, "yes, m'lady." you two were chacha sliding, renegading (do not question this 😂), and soon waltzing when the more classical music came on.
you accidentally stepped on his foot so you quickly apologized. he smiled and said it was fine. you two continued dancing until minho spoke up. "y/n, i have to tell you something." ,,what is it minho?" ,,uh , well you see i-i—" he couldn't continue to finish what he was saying when thunder sounded all around frightening you and so you jumped into his embrace. "i like you y/n." he blurted our before the light sprinkles of rain hit both of you. the rest of the guest running for shelter but you two stood there. "you what?" ,,i like you more than a friend i want you to be my
girl/boyfrie—'' you cut him off by placing a light peck on his lips then also running for shelter. minho came back to reality when you were telling him to follow. as you both arrived inside, minho took off his tuxedo jacket for you to wear and his face was a vibrant shade of red.