Ajshhsbshjizshajdkdishdhnzhifoeiedieeisherir its soooo goooooddddddddd :P but Author-san can u plzzzzz post more chapters a week like 3 or 2 a week plzzz sank u
5 years ago
I really love it but I feel like it should have like parts on which kpop group is in here. And it's a cute story too but it should post chapters more soooo yeah. (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
Ajshhsbshjizshajdkdishdhnzhifoeiedieeisherir its soooo goooooddddddddd :P but Author-san can u plzzzzz post more chapters a week like 3 or 2 a week plzzz sank u
I really love it but I feel like it should have like parts on which kpop group is in here. And it's a cute story too but it should post chapters more soooo yeah. (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)