@lvchannielix on insta !!
the sun that shined through the lacey curtains onto his pretty eyes had made it difficult for him to stay asleep, so he admired the small figure next to him.
he caressed your cheeks and glided his fingers passed your soft lips that was slightly open and your cute little snores could be heard. he was so in love with you that he took the moment to memorize every detail of your face, if he could stop time he would've stopped it then.
the alarm he had set on his phone had suddenly rang. he quickly went to turn it off but your pretty eyes had already jolted open. "morning jinnie." you said in the cutest morning voice. "good morning baby." he said as he leaned over to kiss your forehead. he then stared deeply into your eyes that seemed like it held a million stars or more.
you leaned up to kiss his cheeks which had snapped him out of his daze. "what are you so mesmerized by huh?" you asked him to which he replied, "you, of course." he laid back down on the bed as you snuggled back into his embrace. "so what do you want to eat for breakfast?" you asked him. "you."
your eyes widened, "baby we just woke up." he slightly pouted but quickly was back into a cheery mood when you peppered his face with kisses, but ended with him on top of you, but before anything heated happened you pushed him off to the side and got out of bed to go make breakfast for the two of you, and being the drama llama he is he whined and kept being touchy the whole time you cooked but quickly stopped when you promised him tonight.