(@qt.inniejin on IG)
the first thing you heard when you arrived home was a boy screaming into his headset, "I.N, I.N, I.N save me. AHHH NO. i died, i'm gonna go now." he took off his headset and found you watching him. "hehe when'd you get home?" he asks you as he cleans up his mess and turns off the T.V and console. "just now." you went to help him pick up the empty snack bags and told him to go take a shower while you make some ACTUAL healthy food for him to eat. when he got out of the shower, you two ate peacefully and talked about what you did today with his little jokes in between making you both laugh. after dinner you told him you were going to go shower and he could go game some more if he wanted to but he said he was going to wait in bed so you two could cuddle. you had a tiring day so cuddles seemed like the best thing ever. but when you got out of the shower felix was already fast asleep, so you took a quick picture before kissing his cheeks. "goodnight baby."