(@qt.inniejin on IG)
"mm how about no. last time you tried to surprise me you almost burned down the apartment." you told jisung. he looked at you innocently and proceeded to beg you to trust him. "just cover you eyes i promise this surprise won't harm anyone." you were unsure but you trusted him so you covered your eyes, he then placed one hand on your shoulder and the another over your hands to make sure you didn't peek. he guided you through the room and when you reached the carpet he pulled your hands that were covering your eyes down to see what he prepared. your mouthed opened wide as you were moved by the sight in front of you, which was a blanket & pillow fort decorated with fairy lights that he probably took off the wall from your room and dimly lit candles with a box of pizza a few snacks and drinks. "omg jisung, i-i." words couldn't help contain your excitement you just quickly pecked his cheeks. his face flushed a peachy pink before he tried to hide his face in his hands, but before he could you took his hand and dragged him to the perfectly laid out blankets and sat down waiting to cuddle with him. "this is our safe place." you told him with a big smile.