@lvchannielix on insta !!
when you two first met, you were a mess since you were too busy studying and had only gone out at night to go get some snacks, being the careless and clumsy person you were you almost bumped into the street lamp.
he who was just walking by, placed his hand in front of your face to prevent you from hitting the street lamp. he was wearing a hoodie over his head so you couldn't see his face clearly but since his hand was right in front of you, you saw the beautiful ring on his finger.
it had the words 'STAY' on it.
you never really thought of that moment until the next day. the class you were taking for singing lessons had a new student, and apparently he was a friend of seungmin's.
"hey minnie." you said as you ran to the school gates. "hey y/n, you need to stop staying up so late, so you can get to school earlier." you smiled at his concern for you. "you texted me this morning that there was a new student and he's your friend right?" seungmin nodded. "well where is he?"
seungmin shrugged his shoulders, "he's probably lost i'll call him."
"hey, jeongin. where are you? my friend and i are waiting for you."
"haha, hyung don't worry. i'm almost there, i just stayed up late last night and overslept."
"aiyaaa, you're just like y/n. always staying up late. why am i friends with people like you guys?"
"y/n?, who's that?"
"you'll know when you get here."
as soon as seungmin got off the phone you punched his shoulder, "hey, what was that for?" he said while massaging the area you just punched. "wHy aM i frIenDs wIth pEoPle liKe yOu gUys? i don't know why are we friends huh?" you said sarcastically as seungmin patted your head ,"aigoo, y/n, you're overreacting."
"HYUNGG." you both look over to the direction of whoever yelled that and you saw a tall, adorable looking boy. as he got closer you got to see how fluffy his hair was and his eyes seemed like they held the stars and his smile could light up the whole world.
"jeongin, this is y/n. y/n, this is jeongin."
jeongin looked over at you and looked shocked, "hey, you're the person who almost bumped into the street lamp last night?"
you felt embarrassed but it was true, "yea, thanks for protecting my head last night. you ring is very pretty." you said with a smile.
"aigooo, y/n. that's why you don't use your phone while walking." you glared at seungmin but ended up laughing cause of the sudden funny face he made. "yah, don't do that." you said through giggles.
ever since then you and jeongin have gotten closer to the point where your feelings for him were undeniable. you most definitely liked him.
you and the boys were having the usual weekend sleep over and this week it was at your place. seungmin arrived first and help you set up. "minnie?" you called out to him after placing down the snacks in the living room. "yea?"
"i-i think i like jeongin." you said. seungmin didn't look surprised at all, "i knew it, but you should tell him not me." you glared at him. "can you help me out with the confession?"
"nope, this is your love life not mine." you once again glared at him. "wow, what a great friend you are."
when jeongin arrived you guys ate dinner, played video games for a few hours, and was about to watch a movie.
"wait, we ate all the snacks while playing video games. i'm gonna go get some more at the nearby convenience store." you told them but jeongin stood up along with you, "i'll go with you." he said and you smiled.
"min, you wanna come too?"
"nah, i'll just wait here." he said winking and signaling you that this could be a time for you to confess but you shook your head 'no'
the walk there was silent and kind of awkward, so you went on your phone. once again you almost bumped into the street lamp. "aigoo, y/n. how many times do me and seungmin have to tell you not to use your phone while walking?" he said in a mom tone.
"funny, this is where we first met." you said and jeongin nodded agreeing with you. this was it, this was your guys special place. you gathered up as much courage and was ready to confess. "jeongin, i like you." you blurted out. the eye contact never breaking between the both of you guys until you said, "i'm sorry, that was random. forget what i said."
you started walking again but jeongin pulled you back under the street lamp without saying anything his soft lips connected with yours. the kiss was sweet and unforgettable, both of you not wanting to pull away from another.
you guys stopped the kiss to catch your breaths but his forehead was placed on yours,"say that phrase again." jeongin said.
"jeongin, i like you."
"i like you too, y/n" he replied and hugged you tightly.
you didn't want this moment to ever end, but your phone rang and it was seungmin. "omg, the snacks." you said. jeongin intertwined his hands with yours and you guys went to get the snacks for the rest of the sleepover.