
@lvchannielix on insta ¡!

this was the third day that you had woken up late and had to rush out of the shared apartment very early to avoid being late to work, so you always forgot to grab the lunch that your boyfriend had packed for you.

you were typing away on you computer when your personal phone rang, "hey baby. you forgot your lunch again." chan said to you with a baby whiny voice. "yea, i overslept and would've been late if i had stopped to grab it, i'll promise to grab the lunch for tomorrow." you told him before typing away again, but not ending the call. "your lunch break is at 12:25 PM right?" ,,yea, im about to go on break. why?" you asked as it was a sudden question.

"come downstairs. let's have lunch together." you waited until the clock turned exactly 12:25 and ran downstairs but clocked the time and jumped straight into chans arms. "i'm sorry for forgetting the amazing lunch you make me and waste your time." he told you it was fine as long as you ate your meals.

you were pretty tired and wherever chan seemed to have been taking you guys was pretty far so you fell asleep. when you guys arrived at the restaurant, he was hesitant to wake you up since you looked so adorable. he took out his phone and took a picture of you but his ringer was on and you quickly snapped up when you heard it.

chan hid his phone behind his back as you glared at him, "delete it." he shook his head in a cute way and he showed you the picture. "look at how adorable you are." he said while setting the new picture as his home screen.

you two when into the fancy restaurant and ate your delicious meal, and before heading back to your workplace you guys stopped at starbucks for you to get your coffee and a croissant for you to snack on while working.

"i wanna do this more often, but you still have work don't you?" you said to him. "yea, but i'll do anything just to be with you." he said then leaned over to kiss your lip before you exited his car and went back to work. you kept sending flying kisses to him until you entered the building and chan drove back to his workplace.