(@qt.inniejin on IG)
you watched every M/V, every skz talker, every two kids/ one kids room, you memorized all the fanchants. you were nervous, you wanted to not go but the money you spent on the ticket and the merch would be wasted. you mumbled to yourself, "he wouldn't be able to recognize me it's been two years." you took a deep breath before gathering your bag, lightstick, and your little poster. you got a cab to the revenue and throughout the whole ride you were nervous and still debating if you should just turn back. "no, i can't i've gone this far. he won't be able to recognize me anyway. i can do this." you said to yourself as you blinked back a few tears. after going through security and the whole process before a concert, when you reached your seat you were shaking, you couldn't turn back you were already so... so close.
"hiiiiii, since were gonna be seated together for the concert i want to know you a bit." a girl around your age said. "by the way my name is [insert name], my bias is HAN jisung. i've been a STAY since the survival show. what about you?" you tried to process all the information they just told you and spoke up. "my name is y/n, my bias is bangchan and i recently joined the fandom—" you were cut off by the start of music and the lights darkening.
[note: i've never been to a concert this is my knowledge from kdramas and movies lol]
you both gasped and started screaming, "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG"
you both cheered loudly and very enthusiastically, you completely forgot the fact that you were scared to see and standing right in front of your ex.
there was so many encounters with bangchan, he high fived you and you and him made eye contact so many times but he never gave any hints of remembering or recognizing you. you felt relieved as to now you can actually let him go and start fresh. fast forward to the end where they interact with STAYs. he told us he was surprised at our cheering and that he loved us a lot. he then looked in your direction and let out a sigh, he locked eye contact with you and said, "i want to thank everyone. the ones that supported my dreams and the ones i had to leave behind. thank you for staying, STAY." there were a few voice cracks signaling he was pretty emotional and sincere about his words. the members followed and gave very emotional speeches and now the whole revenue was filled sad but happy sad people.
before they left the stage, he looked at you once again. "i will remember and cherish this moment, whether it was today or in the past." the fans screamed at his little quote, he was the one to always dote on people. you were crying a lot, it had been two years. he was successful and happy all you could do was be a supportive fan, you decided to let go. you were over him the torch that was in your heart has been dimmed, a part of you will always love him but not as much as he loved his career and fans. this was goodbye.