(@qt.inniejin on IG)
after another suffocating day filled with boring lectures at university and rude customers at your part time job, you have finally reached the end of the day. you obviously went to the boys dorms after since you spend more time there than in your own home. you stormed into the dorm all mad and semi-yelled, "ahhh, i hate life." chan who was in the kitchen preparing food for everyone walked out and became all mom mode, "hey, don't say that. if you wanna talk it out i'm always here or in the kitchen. hehe." you sighed and saw felix and seungmin walking with their boards, "oh hi y/n." your mood quickly changed as you remember that you left your skateboard here last time and skateboarding through the spring breeze with a sunset in the background was probably what you needed. "chan, i'm gonna go skate with the boys." you told him, this time getting his permission and not sneaking out. "oh we wanna go too." hyunjin and jisung snuck up behind you and puppy eyed chan. "fine go."
"hey y/n, slow down. we're not even racing." seungmin yelled to you. you stopped your board as the boys slowly, one by one caught up to you. "ah, i feel much better." you told them. "hey, i'm gonna go get snacks, wanna join." hyunjin asked. you nodded yes and jisung also went with you, meanwhile seungmin and felix headed to the skate park first. hyunjin silently selected different snacks and drinks and got a ramen to cook up and eat while you and jisung were messing around with the baskets. as hyunjin was finishing the ramen jisung randomly blurted out, "hey let's play tag." you side eyed him, "here?" he nodded and tagged you. he got up and started running hyunjin was quick to follow. you were chasing them around the store until they suddenly disappeared, most likely hiding. you scaled through the food isles, until you saw jisung's shoe, "found you." just as you were about to run up to them, jisung accidentally knocked down a few snacks and then hyunjin ran into jisung and they both knocked down some more stuff.
you physically slapped yourself at how idiotic those two were and how you also stupidly played the game of tag in the convenience store. all three of you quickly picked up everything and placed it back on the shelves as you guys laughed about what a stupid thing just happened. then you got a text from felix —hey when are you guys coming?— you grabbed a few extra snacks and paid and the three of you skated to the skate park while continuously bickering about whose fault it was and it all pointed to jisung. he was pouty for a good ten minutes but couldn't stay mad since he knew it was his idea in the first place. once again the stressful day you had disappeared in a blink of an eye when you did the things you loved most with the people you love most.