(@qt.inniejin on IG)
you looked at the clock which read 1:38 AM, you got out of your room put on some baggy but stylish clothes and went to wake up felix who was sleeping on the couch in the living room. "wanna go skate for a bit." he quickly got up and he was already dressed. "awh yea, was about to sneak out. couldn't sleep anyway." you two grabbed your boards and was about to head out when you guys heard the sound of blankets shuffling and footsteps. "haha don't think you're going anywhere, without us." you and felix breathed out a sigh of relief since it was just hyunjin and seungmin. the four of you guys headed out and we're headed to the neighborhood park where you guys usually hang when you can't sleep or when you're bored. on the way there you guys stopped at the 24 hr convenience store to get some snacks and drinks.
when you guys got to the skatepark someone else was already there. "oh heyyy guys, guess you guys couldn't sleep either huh?" you took a closer look and it was jisung. you felt so relaxed whenever you snuck out to skate, to getaway from reality and to de stress. you guys skated, joked, and messed around before actually pulling out the snacks and drinks to enjoy. you brought your tattoo pen with you because skating can get tiring and new tattoos just seemed like fun too. you obviously gave the boys some more new tattoos praying that chan wouldn't be mad when he finds out that you all snuck out and got tattoos in the most unsanitary place ever, but you could care less.