@qt.inniejin on ig ¡!
another restless night, where you couldn't sleep or stay asleep, so you tried to sneak out of bed quietly trying not to awaken the boy that was in a deep slumber because of a tiring day at practice, but without you within his embrace he jolted awake quite quickly. "y/n, where are you going?" minho asked you as you stood frozen in place. "awh baby, go back to sleep. i was just going to find some random quiet activity that could occupy me since i can't seem to sleep." he patted the empty spot on the bed again and said, "i'm going to stay up you, so what do you wanna do until you're sleepy?" you sat back in bed next to him thinking of what to do, but you both just ended up scrolling through your phones, until minho jumped up. "I KNOW WHAT WE CAN DO. put on a jacket and help me carry the pillows and i'll carry the blankets." you were completely lost at what he had in mind, but still followed his instructions.
he lead you to one of the windows that was close to the roof and plopped the blankets down as he took the pillows from you then helped you climb through the window. "STARGAZING!" he said. you were shocked at how he came up with such an idea and how it might've just been what you needed. he sat down and waited for you to sit next to him before using one of the blankets to cover you both up, "hey, minho which of these stars make a scorpio constellation?" he laid down and you followed as minho's eyes wandered to the clear night sky looking for the constellation you asked him about. he searched up a picture of it and tried finding it again, it took quite a few minutes but he found it and pointed it out to you. you two decided to have a contest and see who could count up the most stars, which seemed endless but it helped time pass. "1256..1261..126... OMG a shooting star!" minho exclaimed hoping it would make you lose count but you were fast asleep. "this little baby." he said as he caressed your cheeks and planned out how to carry you back to the bedroom without waking you up.