@qt.inniejin on ig ¡!
binnie enjoyed them a lot whereas you weren't such a big fan of horror movies. the adrenaline rush at every corner the actor takes and how every person they meet may be a killer just excites you, but the sudden jump scares always mange to scare you. everytime you guys watch a scary movie together, you would always cling onto to him or hide behind his big arm. he'd just chuckle and say, "it's ok, i'm right here." while patting the side of your arms to calm you. the only fun part of
watching horror movies with him is that fact that you both just snuggled together so you could be safe within his embrace and the inside jokes you guys make from the movies are the greatest memories to keep. "train to busan or parasite?" he asked you as you got some snacks and plopped down on the couch. "train to busan."
[! spoiler alert !] although the movie didn't have a lot of jump scares, you were still frightened every time the focus was on a zombie that was running after the cast, and the ending made you bawl your eyes out and you swore you saw a little tear from binnie too.