@qt.inniejin on ig ¡!
you sat on the park bench listening to your music after a long relaxing run. you bopped your head to the beat of the song when seungmin plopped next to you trying to catch his breath. "yah, stop running away from your problems." he told you. you continued to bop your head to the beat of the song pretending you couldn't hear him. he unplugged your headphones and paused the song. "listen to me, i know you only run when you have a problem you don't want to deal with or don't know how to deal with, but like always i'm here and you can tell me anything and i can or will try to help." you just looked at him then looked at the ground then you looked back at him smiling, "thank you, but this time, this can't and will not be your problem." you grabbed your phone and headphones from him and started running again. he ran after you trying to stop you so you both can talk about whatever has been on your mind.
"y/n, y/n, y/n, stop running. i know you're tired just sit and tell me i'm sure it's not a big deal." he dragged you back to the park bench and waited for you both to catch your breaths. "so tell me, what's bothering you? i'm sure it's something i can help you with?" you chuckled. "really? you can help me get over the fact that i might possibly like my bestfriend, but is so scared to lose him." you told him and got up to run again. this time he sat there frozen and still processing the fact that you liked him. YOU LIKED HIM. he got up and ran after you once again this time he knew how to get you to stop running. "i like you too, y/n." you stopped in your tracks turned around and looked deeply in his eyes for any signs of this being a joke, but all you saw was how sincere he was. "i liked you since the day we became friends y/n. i was scared to lose you too, so i kept my feelings aside and my mouth shut, but i really really like you." he ran up to you and hugged you tightly.