Chapter seven things are not what they seem

I slowly start to hear the radio go off to a song that I remember hearing when I was at a party I start to sing the song

Next to me next to me as I start to dance to the song and vide to it

It starts to go through out the walls of my room as I see the others starting to join me in dancing along we keep on singing and look out at the rain as it falls down slowly I grab rin and jump down the building as I do back flips and land on the ground I start to run and laugh while I begin to dance to the song with the rain pouring on my head the feeling felt so good I had a big smile on my face and having a good time when I see cars driving by and the sound of water flying past the cars onto their front car windows as they look at us with confusion

I just ignored them and keep on jaming to some songs while running as fast as I could I started to do run on the windows of the building as I could feel the pressure of my feet pressing against it I did a bit of back flips while jumping from building to building I saw that the rain made a lot of puddles of water I jumped from where I was and felt the water splash right onto my face I felt a sudden refreshing feel I saw the others doing back flips and dancing under the Rainy weather I slowly jumped in the puddle of rain drops and ran fast to the others as I felt the rain get more colder I slowly took off my jacket and let the rain soak up in my skin and I felt goosebumps from the song that was playing I did a shuffle dancing with others and I saw some other people joining in the feeling of warmth hit my body I kept on singing and dancing to the sound of the beat

I started to feel more cold as my head started to get warm I kept on ignoring it and tried to enjoy myself I got onto of rin as we ran like idiots singing and I put my hands up in the air with the feeling of freedom I screamed woohooo yeah let's go on the top of my lungs to the point some people were staring at us werid

Old lady:ah the young people being stupid but having fun as well I wish I could be youthful again that would be a dream come true

As I slowly walked up to the old lady and granted her wish as her body started to go back in time as she began to look more and more younger to the point where she was a young adult she shaked my hand and thanked me I asked her if she wanted to dance she began to nod her head as she begin to try to get into the Rhythm of the beat soon she was getting the hang of it soon she was a natural at dancing I slowly saw mark starting to do a back flip and grabbed his artificial wings as he glided through the sky I began to be amazed as he fly up to the sky at the speed of sound and I could feel the pressure of his wings as the wind went past me I just kept on dancing as the rain began to stop and I could see the sunshine peak out of the clouds and I felt the warm weather after a while I began to go back in side and felt my head as it was hot to the touch I slowly knew that I was sick so I went to sleep and ended my day

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