Chapter 7 things are not what they seem

As I woke up sick from not going back inside while In the rain I was scolded by rin and mark for not being very responsible and staying in the rain to long I just stayed in the bed and watched some movies as I felt the warmth of the bedsheets as it felt so good I slowly was hearing my door bell ring I just stayed in bed and kept on watching some movies

I slowly got up as I hear the sound of the bed springs started to make poping sounds as my body began to leave small amounts of pressure as I walked to the door I slowly saw someone at the door it looked like a girl with light sliver blond hair and was in a pony tails with dark clothing I answered the door asking who this is the stranger answered back saying that she is her lost long sister which I remember that my sister died when we left our home country before it fell into ruins from a virus apocalypse

What's your name then lost long sister

My name is Dylmmia Seylknnia

Sis it really is you what happened to you my mom told me you died from the Rvelluka virus

That's the thing though I got separated from you guys and I ended up in another country on the other side of the world the country I ended up in is now called Ofganvania which is close by three other countries Madoslia Thernchi Danliva Lands and Guanya Chtengre Land

Wow you've been in another country the entire time how did you find me though that's my only question though

I'm apart of the Ofganvanian 3rd ranked team of Ofganvanzia higher rank official so I Did some digging and found you from a extremely advance country which made me be able to meet you in person that also did make me happy as well to see my little sister

But I gotta go now back to my home country

Wait sis please do go back to mom she's been devastated since she thinks you died from that virus she would be so happy to see your alive that would make her day

Alright sis I'll go visit mom here is my number if you wanna chat with me now take care and get some rest also next time don't stay to long in the rain and get sick

Not you too I've already got scolded by rin and mark already

It was nice seeing you for the first time bye sis hope to see you some time soon In the near future

As she began to close my door and she was gone I began to wonder why it took her so long to find me I really did though she had died back in the abandoned ruins of Thebaeca Territories I began to fall back asleep

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