Chapter:29 a time of leaving

As the sky started to turn from dark black to purple then proceeded to turn light blue as the sun had started to rise slowly as we kept on talking for hours as we had made it to the airport as I began to grab her baggage and then walked with her through the gate as cleaning droids began to go around the whole area as it began to speak in this countries native languages as I began to keep on walking as mei had reached the elf section of the airport as she went through the gate as it had began to slowly shoot out a white beam as it started to scan her slowly as she began to walk through the gate I had started to wave goodbye to her as she proceeded to wave bye as well

See ya really soon sis I said to myself

As I began to walk back to the car and then proceeded drive back home as the sun had fully rised up and it was daylight I began to have a sudden flash of light as the sun had blinded me

For a couple of seconds as my vision began to slowly come back as i began to slowly drive to home as I proceeded to sing along with the music as it began to slowly fill the whole

Car as I slowly kept on driving as I heard my two phones ring loudly as it seem

I was getting a call

As it began to project a halo screen to my eye as I had noticed it was giriya would was calling me for some Reason

As I kept on drive and ignoring the call as it kept on calling and calling I began to slowly lose my

Cool as I slowly started to park at the nearest gas station as I began to answer the call

Yes this is Emily I said

Hey Emily where are you ?, giriya asked

I just got back from taking mei to the airport and I'm heading back to the apartment I'm about 15 minutes away what do you need ?, I asked

So mark is starting to loose his mind because he thinks his car got stolen giriya said

I literally told that idiot I was gonna be borrowing his car to drop off mei I said

You know what put him on the phone I said

Hi buddy why the fuck did you steal my

Car mark said

I told you yesterday that I was gonna be borrowing your car to drop off mei at the airport I said

Oh I actually forgot that you asked me sorry Emily mark said

Yeah I'm about 15 minutes away to returning the car I said

Okay then if I find any scratches or damage to the car I'll sue your ass in a law of court mark said

Oh really now your going to that low of a level eh bye mark I said

Damn it emily if you hang up this phone I swear I will make your life a living hell mark said

As I began to hang up the phone

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