Chapter 29: a time of leaving

As I slowly started to get mad at mark as I began to then drive back home

As I slowly arrived back I saw mark waiting in the underground parking lot looking at the car like

He was about to kill me If I had damaged it as I began to park It and then proceeded to get out flip off mark and then walked all the way to my room and slammed the door shut in anger as I began to put my self down onto the wooden door as I slowly felt my

Anger becoming more bad by the minute as I began to slowly calm my self down as I began to hear a knock on my door

Hey Emily it's me mark I wanna apologize for what I did was uncool and immature as well he said

Mark I will accept your apology but right now I need to calm my self down for a little bit alright I said

Okay then I understand he said as he began to walk away from my door as I began to sigh deeply as I had finally started of calm

Down I slowly started to stand up and slowly reached my hand towards the brass metal nob as I began to pull away for a few seconds as I began to look at my self in the mirror I began to see my eyes had shed some tears as

Why am I shedding tears heh I'm just a little emotional I guess or is it Serena?, reacting to me I said to myself

As I began to hear a faint female voice in my head

Emily when you feel upset or angry I will react to it at the same rate and I will activate the ability as well Serena said

I see then I said

As her voice had left my head slowly as it had completely faded away and I began to laugh at my self as I felt a lot more happy than I was before

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