Chapter 32: when a country is under an monster invasion

As they proceeded to sit down the professor began to continue what she was saying early

So what we know so far is that they are gonna keep on looking for the princess and they have threaten to destroy this planet in the professor said

So they are willing to end us to along with their target as well that's kind of a dick move don't ya think I said

Yes it is but with the threats we received we have less than 4 days to act on it right away the professor said as she began to look towards me

Emily if you could come with me for a sec I need to tell you something important the professor said

As I began to walk out the room as the professor began to sit down on a near by white slab bench as she began to look towards me

So Emily we need you and your team to stay here for a while because we have to ready the weapons flying Vehicles mobile suits as halo fighter jets ready by the morning so for now you need to go rest an Offical employee will lead you and your team to living corners I'm glad to work with you ms Emily the professor said

As she began to walk towards the metal door as it began to open and then close its self as I began to walk down a long hallway as I began to see a clear through sliding door as it began to say living corners please use key given by your assistance general

I slowly pulled out the key I was given as I pressed it onto the key card reader as it began to make a loud beep as a green light flashed as the door had opened up as a lady began to slowly looked towards me

So your Emily?, the stranger said

Yes I am I said

Welcome to female living corners I was told that you and your female team mates are supposed to be here my name is Verendai dernyaielf please turn off the light when you get a chance alright bye she said as she walked out

-page 134