Chapter 32: when a country is under an monster invasion

As I began to grab some of my clothing I began to walk toward the shower as a heat of the warm water began to fog up the glass wall and the glass sliding door I began to take a shower as the water began to push itself past my shoulders I began to take a long shower as I got out I began to walk out to comb my hair as I felt a slight pain as the bristles began to pull each mini hair piece I began to put them into a twin pig tails as got cloths on as I began to start to cook some food was when I heard the metal door open as I saw rin Hannah Evelyn giriya misa and exerillia walk in as she began to look around and check out every corner of the rather large room I began to cook food

So this is the room they were talking about it's rather big than it looks on the outside Evelyn said

Yeah that's for sure I though it was gonna be a small room but I was wrong for sure also damn it because I betted giriya 50 dollars Hannah said

Yeah I told you it was gonna be a large room giriya said

Yeah yeah I know just take you dang money already Hannah said

As she gave her the money as she then walked towards the bed as she began to lay down and fell asleep

So where is my mom misa said

Yeah that's what I have been wondering as well sis exerillia said

She's in the kitchen area cooking something but I don't know what it is for sure anyway I'm gonna go to sleep see you in the morning you two giriya said

As I finished cooking food I slowly sat down on the table near by as I began to eat my food I slowly looked at the wall clock to check the time

Oh shoot it's already 9:00pm I need to go to the sleep soon I said to myself

As I began to finish eating and cleaned the dishes I used as I began to walk towards my bed as I slowly lay down on the bed and slowly closed my eyes

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