Chapter 54: the long journey to the third ring city of new earth

So it contains your baggage's for this vacation anyway we should start heading over to the Hannah said

Yes indeed I said

As we began to slowly walk out of the rather large building as the morning light began to shine onto the clear metal curved edges as it had a bright blinding light as the artificial sky looked so real as I began to keep on walking down the crowded city streets as the people looked to be rather busy with their own life's I slowly started to realize that the city seemed to have expanded its self in a short time

Hey Hannah does the city look to be different in a short amount of time or is it just me I said

Yeah I have also noticed that as well so it's not just you so I guess while we were in the library but I can see the space train station but I do not see the others yet they might of have already left on an early train Hannah said

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