Chapter 54: the long journey to the third ring city of new earth

Yeah true but let me see if I can see them yeah no I don't see them anywhere so I guess we

Will have to take the train and catch up with them but in the mean time I'm gonna just relax with hearing marks annoying voice every 5 seconds I said

Yeah I do agree with you I don't really see why Evelyn choose mark of all people like she could of gotten a better man than mark but then again she did have a crush on him back in high school so I guess there nothing we can do about it Hannah said

Yeah oh shoot it's already 4pm in such a short amount of time I said

Well you did want to get some gifts for your family back home in our home country Hannah said

Yeah but we are in space in the second to final ring of this earth rings but the fact that does amaze me is that we don't feel the thing moving that is something that makes me wonder more oh speaking of which the train is here for the third ring city I said

As we both go onto the train was when we had saw the others in-front of us as I began to smirk as mark looked to be in a pissed off mood

As I began to ignore him

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