Chapter 99: the message from the past

I began to stay silent for a few moments try to recollect my thoughts as i had seem to be having a hard time trying to wrap my head around what I had just heard why now is she telling me this I had started to question things at this point

listen Emily I was given a message that I had forgotten about many decades after my passing and I recently have been remembering things left and right so i was only given a code to the prototype machine the code is B1081226725 is the code for now you need to learn the truth alright Serena said

yes I understand I said

As the scenery started to change back to a room that has books that looked to be well aged and had dust collected on them and furniture that looked to made of dark oak with amount of details on it I could see the Sargent look a bit worried about me from the expression on his face could tell a lot about how he was feeling

General Emily your hair it's light blue what happened to you ?, he asked me

oh I triggered that form without even realizing it well it's basically just a super form that the elf's use to increase our speed and power I said

I see then well you are free to go he said

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