Chapter 99: the message from the past

as I began to nod my head I walked towards the stained clear black glass as I started to collect all my files from the mission and grab slowly my personal belongings slowly I started to hear my halo phone began to unexpectedly ring I proceeded to sigh slowly and then answered it

Hello this is Emily ?, I said answering the phone call

Emily you need to hurry quickly it's mark we just discovered something and need you at the research sector right away hurry now he said

Before I could even say anything I was greeted by the call ending unexpectedly

well I guess I better go down there to see what's going on I said to my self as I started to leave the room I began to see that the season seems to have changed from a warm summer to a cold fall I had some memories flash back of when I was a little girl runing around the leaves as a small girl that had blond hair like me running around and the faded I started sigh and then kept on walking past the glass clear window as the small leaves started to fall to the ground a pile started to fall

I started to reach the room and saw mark as he had a grin smirk on his face that could be easily readable at this point

so what's the big deal that you needed me ?, I asked him

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