Chapter 100:our journey to old earth begins the time to prepare has begun

I'm still rather shock after hear that to be exact I said

well we found out that your great grandfather was apart of the former royal family of Yusto but that family disappeared in the year 6696 the elf said

Wait a minute there is a flash drive in the device i said

As I proceeded to put my hand towards the flash drive then pulled it as I could feel an unknown energy start to fill all over my body as it felt like a familiar feeling but completely different I shook my head and then proceeded to plug it into the machine as there were files of a super weapon that could easily destroy and entire planet and a file to defeat the race that had helped the humans during the human and elf revolution war

I started to download the file and plugged it out quickly then shoved it to one of the scientists that was closest to me

General Emily ?, everything okay ?, the female elf scientist said

yes please look into this possibility of a war plan against the race that has resurfaced and wanting to kill both the humans and elf's I said

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