Chapter 100:our journey to old earth begins the time to prepare has begun

As mark started to look at me lifting up an eye brow as he usually knew when I get like this and choose to just go with it

Well you heard the women let's get started on this project go go come on let's go we got only 2 weeks to get this done before we have to go down to old earth mark said

as I began to smirk a bit since this is the first time mark tried to be responsible for something

Well well look who's acting high and might hmm this is the first time I've seen you like this I said

Oh shut up Emily now go hurry up to get ready we are supposed to be leaving in 2 weeks he said

I began to nod my head as I started to slam out of the room as I saw that things got a lot more busy as there were people working on mechanical machines as I started to look at my hand as I saw that my skin was engraved with a family crest that looked to be rather old I proceeded to walk to my room I began to look outside the window as this time the leaves had piled up rather quickly I saw people raking them into small piles and the tree branches starting to move as the pressure of the near by wind started to get a bit more windy than usual

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