Chapter 129 : Serena’s true story was a false realty story ?,

H-how ?, how is that even possible?, the results came back and indeed her spirit is in fact in that crest but how she became an elfic spirit guardian baffles me josh said

it's rather simple to explain actually even a child could figure it out mei said as she started to jump into the conversation

And how is that josh said

Well I'm more surprised how even a highly intelligent scientist can't even figure out the truth on how it works but I will do it for you now then listen up the elf super form needs a power source now don't it and for that source to work we need to add a powerful spirit most of the elf super crest is a powerful source that uses a spirit from humans or any other species now for Serena's case she had to sign a contract that is sealed to the users spirit she her self can speak if she so chooses but all crests through generations get a spirit that changes over time mei said

I guess that makes sense josh said as he started to tap on my hand as the crest started to project over a spirit of a women with long dark blond hair with blue and green eyes and a space federation military uniform from the era as she started to look at josh with a deadly look

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