Chapter 129 : Serena’s true story was a false realty story ?,

Well then are you the one who summed me ?, Serena said with a dim glare look on her face as she started to wait impatiently for an answer from josh as he was trembling with fear in his eyes

yes that's precisely correct looks like you haven't changed a bit since I last recall seeing you Sestyan but you are now known as josh I see then times have clearly changed she said

As I started to look at josh with a confused look on my face as a sudden thought started to fill my head with a bit of confusion do they know each other from a different time of events I thought to my self

wait a minute you two know each other ?, I asked

josh started to stay quite as the question was announced

Well the answer should be rather obvious right josh she said with a smirk on her face as she slowly started to cross her arms

I have no comment on that question but we summoned you to learn about the story you told Emily which you stated was your true story though we both now that's a lie josh said

Now now , why you suddenly wanna talk about a 'false true story' though you are not wrong the story I did tell her was fake and a lie Serena said

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