chapter 132: the failure? of a species

as I began to walk down the long narrow walkway filled with both the scenery of the lights from nearby skyscraper and the faded out old lighting as it looked to be close to falling at moment with the looks of it I began to notice that there were vines forming in the walls it while examining the nearby areas of this walk way there looked to be old worn out electronics that were scattered all over some missing pieces other warn out pieces that was covered with layers of dust rock and rust filled the air in the hallway my body began to feel rather uneasy from this smell but it more felt like motion sickness I began to ignore it and walk towards the exit of the hallway that looked abandoned from the looks of it

while I began to walk away into another room filled with technology that had a transporter to other areas in this base I began to slowly reach for my phone in my pocket and slowly lifted it to my eye sight and began to dial up the others number as a halo screen began to appear shortly with familiar faces as they began to look at me with confusion on what is going on as I proceeded to take a deep breath then lean onto the false wall of glass and started to speak

I have called you all here on voice call to inform you on a rather important matter of the up most importance I said

what might that be then ?, mark proceeded to ask me

well I have gotten new intel that our enemy has made their move and proceeded to wipe out an entire facility that sole purpose was to research new technology and weaponry I said

so they have made their move very interesting indeed keep us up to date on what our next move might be Evelyn said

very well over and out until further notice while I started to slowly press the end call button and began to put it in my back pocket as I began to walk towards the teleportation device and began to step onto the small platform as a small light faded blue circle line began to appear in the middle of my body as it began to expend all around me I began to fade into small particles the near by surroundings began to change in the blink of the eye and change into something different

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