chapter 132: the failure? of a species

of a completely level area as the area began to appear rather more familiar than before as I started to look around then move my feet forward still looking around for my living courters as the thin white light began to dim the hall way more with the same skyscrapers and lights outside start to also fill in the missing lights and the atmosphere began to change in an instant as the cold breeze of the AC unit began to let out small amounts of chilling softly winds that began to make goosebumps appear as I began to look at the small halo screen room badges with peoples names when all of the sudden one began to peak my interest all of the sudden I began to move closer to it as it looked to have my mothers name on it as I to began to change the original name on it to mine as the door began to open without any sort of explanation

what in the world is going on here ?, I said to my self

with second thoughts began to fill my head as an uneasy feeling began to appear all over my body and a slight tingling feeling as I was about to open the door a person began to grab my hand and snap me out of it in an instant

huh?, what.. the hell what happened I felt like I was under a trance I said while turning my back to the person as a rather younger look man started to look at me and then proceeded to speak

that's rather a first this room has never let anyone go in it not since the original person of this room was in here the stranger said

wait a minuet there missy you wouldn't happen to be Rayleen's daughter ?, the stranger said

you mean my mother ?, I haven't been heard anyone call her that name before I said

well that was her nickname from a long time ago well since this room has chosen you you might as well go in and get your self packed the stranger said

wait who are you and how do you know my mother i said while looking back at the stranger expect they disappeared into thin air

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