Shinobu Kocho! (Edited)

(A/N : Guys do i need him to join the Demon Slayer Exam? or just directly him becoming a Slayer by backdoor i mean you guys choose if you want him to join the Demon Slayer Exam just comment 'Yes' and if not 'No' also i personally think the backdoor is good cause you know, the people who are taking the Exam is literally TEENS, i mean he his 22 an adult it's pretty akward for him to do the Exam but if you want an Exam Arc sure i can manage that so okay! that's all! Enjoy!-wait there is also yea i almost forgot! i don't think im adding Nezuko for god sake she's still 13 and you asking me to add her to the HAREM?! no! big NO! i won't make him a lolicon unless she become and adult! and just to you know im adding Kocho too :P Ciao~!)











Shinobu " Ara..! Mr.Person~! did you know you just killed~ a demon~! "

Mark looked at Shinobu " What are you doing here little girl...get lost! "

As Mark said that, viens appeared in her forehead with a smiling expression and the first impression Shinobu on Mark is an ANNOYING person!

Shinobu looked at Mark with a smile but not at the same time " Ara..! Mr.Person..! do think your misunderstanding something..! as you see im not a C.H.I.L.D..! i admit im short but im not some kid you know~! "

And Shinobu continued talking " And i am a person whose job is to kill a demon like the one you killed~ we are called Demon Slayers~! "

Mark acted like he doesn't know about them " Demon Slayers? who are you trying to fool kid! "

Veins appeared in her forehead, she doesn't know why they guy's word irrates her she thought the most annoying person that she had met was Giyu.

(A/N : Giyu Tomioka Current Water Pillar by the way )

And today she was proved wrong! as if they guy was made to irate her! from the moment they met.

Shinobu decided to ignore Mark, and preparing to bury the body of a woman who got eaten by the demon.

(A/N : Not that kind of eaten like being r*ped eaten that means literally got eaten )

And after an hour of digging somewhere she finally buried the woman's body and prays for it.

While she was doing that, Mark was watching her till the beginning to end, and after she finished burying the body, she shifted her attention to Mark and said " Now~! i haven't properly introduce myself, fogive me~! my name is Shinobu Kocho, i am one of the current pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps~! " she said while smiling but not.

Mark sneered at her " Bah! delusional little girl! "

As Shinobu heard that she got irritated and she said coldly " Are you making F.U.N of me? "

Mark looked at Shinobu and said " Oh~! im scared! but fine! i'll believe you if you can show me where is your so called Demon Slayer Corps..! "

Veins appeared in Shinobu forehead she silently thought ' He might be irritating but she sure has come skills. '

Shinobu saw his Breathing Style and God knows how hard to someone who can make their own Breathing Style and she said " Fine! but..! stop calling me little when i'll proved that the Demon Slayer Corps are real! and not delusional! "

Mark got surprise a little and thought ' This girl...has she always had this attitude? this attitude is like from a little girl who wanted to show of her new Toy! well since this isn't anime and the anime only showed their most showed attitude, and not this one currently showing infront of me! '

And Shinobu leaded the way to the Demon Slayer Headquarter, which Mark already knew of it's existance but not the location since it wasn't showed in anime, and as he followed her she doesn't seem to like talking to me im that boring really?

Mark isn't aware that his attitude toward Shinobu was more annoying than Giyu, and he followed her it been a several hours of course they stopped for breakfast and lunch and it almost time for dinner.

And the night has come, while they where resting, Shinobu still refused to talk to him and Mark thought ' She's sulking! ' Mark wondered why, is it because he called her little girl?

Mark was about to start a conversation, a loud scream was heard without saying, they both rushed into the location of the scream with a different reason of course, one is for fighting and one is for saving the person from the demon.

As they run the first person who arrived was naturally Mark, since he has a superior speed, and after for a several seconds, Shinobu arrived at the location and Mark sneered at her " Little girl! you're slow! "

Veins appeared in her forehead and said " Ara~? Is that so? " she didn't deny it since she was slower than him, but she was annoyed because of his insult why can't he act like a gentle man instead?

And they both look at scene, they saw a boy running for his life because he was chased by a demon, the demon had big one eyes with a blood red color eyes and 2 and a half meters tall.

Quickly Shinobu rushed into the demon, and unsheathing her sword, Mark already saw her sword in anime but now he saw it in real life, he thought ' Isn't that looking like a stick? it probably didn't even weight a kilo. '

Mark mumbled" Is that a stick? " unknown to him Shinobu actually heard it even thought, he doesn't want her to hear it, veins appeared in her forehead and she doesn't want to count how many times he got irritated by him.

She didn't talk and continued on striking the demon and she jumped as she silently said " Breath....! of the Insect! < Dance of the Butterflies: Frolic ! > "

(A/N : You already know that move when you had watched the series and if you don't please do search it on google )

Several small holes appeared in the demon's body, and the demon panicky checking if his neck got separated to his body and sadly it didn't as the demon was in relief and shouted " Hahaha! little girl too bad you didn't cut my neck..! with that weak body of yours, you can't kill me! " the demon laughted loudly.

But after he laughed his body was starting to get itchy and turned slowy into a violet, and the demon had a heard time breathing and finally a huge veins in his whole body started to appear and as he said panickly " Y-you! w-what d-d-did you Do?! "

Shinobu just smiled at the demon and coldy said " Even if your neck didn't get cut that doesn't mean you can't be killed! and by the way i have covered my sword with wisteria fluid. "

The demon didn't have a chance to speak and died, and Mark who was watching from the side clapped " Oh..! not bad! atleast you had some skills! "

Shinobu smiled but not a smile at Mark and said " Ara~? is that a praise or an insult? "

But Mark bluntly said " It can be both! "

Veins appeared in his head and she didn't answer back and looked at the boy she said " Don't worry your safe now " the boy who heard that started to cry and Shinobu helped him calm down.

After a while they both stopped crying and thanked them for saving him, yes them even thought Mark didn't help he still got thanked by the boy.

Shinobu " .....Do you really deserve that Thank you? "

Mark looked at Shinobu " Of course! im faster than you! and arrive earlier and the FIRST person he saw naturally he should thank me. " he said shamelessly

Shinobu got really annoyed and this time she swear she won't talk to him unless it's really needed, and she left Mark and he got dumbfounded and shouted " Hey! little girl! your actually leaving me? "

And Mark run toward Shinobu

(A/N : I'll show you his status since i forgot to put some in the previous chapters )

Status :

Name : Mark Gold

Race : Human

Bloodlines : The Revenger Bloodline (Legendary)

Age : 22

World : Demon Slayer

Str : 50 (A/N : 1 means the strength of a normal person and so on)

Agi : 60

Dex : 40

Luck : ???

Items : x1 Katana(Common), x1 Nichirin sword Color (Secret for now) (Epic), x10 Instant Healing Potion (Rare), 1x Special Spin Coupon, Dog Dog Model : Kitsune (Legendary) , x10 Bag Of Food (Common)

(A/N : If your asking why the Nichirin is now an SR Rating the colorless has been changed and also it's not Red cause the breathing style of mark is stronger than the breath of sun 'atleast in my novel' and literally this is what he got in those 6 month in the kamado's house and as for the Kitsune he got it in the wheel also the bag of food and the rest is you know SP and the detail missions...i think i'll change it cause too much detail i'll make it sub missions from now that appears within an expected manner and still i didn't use the Special coupon and i'll use it in the Demon Slayer Headquarters when he arrive there)

SP : 500,559
