Demon Slayer Corps 1/3 (Edited)

Mark followed Shinobu, she continued to ignore him the both of them didn't have a conversation within this several hours, even when eating they just give and take and continue running again.











In the middle of the forest,

The house of kamado, Tanjiro trains himself harder since Mark left, because Mark always reminded him to always work hard surpass your limit and don't be lazy.

(A/N : Even thought i am the one who writed that word..! i am lazy! XD)

Tanjiro is now swinging his wooden katana made by Mark, and he is now half naked, his abs is now visible but nowhere near from Mark's perfect abs, and he swing his katana.

He sweated alot and as the time past, Tanjiro is now in the ground panting heavily " Haa..haaa....haa..! "

A voice called him " Tanjiro Onii-san! it's time for you to eat your breakfast! "

Tanjiro answered " Hai! Nezuko! "

And then he got up in the ground with his muscles on pain, and now he is inside the house and currently eating, during these past months his appetite increased mainly because of his training.

Kie " Tanjiro Mark-san left me something he said that this is your reward of your training. "

Kie brought out a strange looking pineapple with an orange color appeared infront of Tanjiro and he quickly asked " Mom this is...? "

Kie shook her head and said " I don't know what kind of fruit this is but Mark-san also give me a letter to you i didn't read it because it for you. "

(A/N : Im gonna mess up this story real bad XD)

And Kie give the letter to Tanjiro containing the word " Tanjiro this is the reward of your hellish training with me, this fruit is called Devil Fruit-" Tanjiro got shocked and dropped the letter

Tanjiro shouted " Devil fruit?! is it gonna eat us?! " he looked at the devil fruit in the table fearfully.

Kie and the children got startled at Tanjiro reaction and words " Tanjiro? what are you talking about? you mean this fruit is from the devil?? "

Tanjiro " I-i don't know since i didn't read the whole letter! " and looked fearfully at the fruit in the table and also his brothers and sisters are also starting to be fearful at the fruit in the table.

Kie " Calm down! let me read the whole letter from Mark-san! im sure he has his reason on giving you this fruit. " and Kie continued to read the letter.

The letter " Devil Fruit, it doesn't mean it's from the Devil it's just the fruit is called and im pretty sure right now Tanjiro you freaked out now since you readed the word 'Devil' "

As Kie readed the letter, Tanjiro got embarassed his face was really red and Kie chuckled and said " He is indeed on the spot you really freaked out. "

And Kie continued to read the letter " And my main point is just bite the fruit 1 time because from what i heard it taste absolutely terrible, but don't worry it even thought it taste bad you would receive an ability and also this is the Only fruit ever exist in this world so you better eat it now or else you'll be in danger because it priceless. "

(A/N : Mark just joked a little with them actually no one knows about the fruit since this world isn't one piece after all )

Kie knew that weight of this words and this Devil Fruit infront of them is priceless! and she mumbled " Why did he give Tanjiro this priceless treasure? "

However without Even hearing what's next in the letter Tanjiro quickly grabs the Devil Fruit, Kie was about to stop Tanjiro from eating it, but it was too late, Tanjiro already ate the Devil Fruit with a big bite.

And as he ate the fruit, Tanjiro shouted " Disgusting! " Tanjiro really wanted to puke right now, but he force himself to make it sure it would go inside his stomach.

Now Tanjiro felt something in his body changed and he was shocked that his hand was on fire! not just him also his family.

Tanjiro panicked " W-what is this?! " he tried to wave is hand to make the fire disappear, but it didn't this time Tanjiro realize that even thought his hand was on fire it didn't hurt a little bit and he started to calm down and the fire in his hand disappeared!

Kie quickly asked " Tanjiro? what was that?! " even his mother who has always calm all the time, got panicked for real this time.

Tanjiro said confusedly " Uhmm..i don't really know myself but my head in now filled with information that i don't know...maybe Mark-sensei meant this kind of ability? and this fruit is a Logia type? strange how come i can understand it? also the Fruit is called < Flame-Flame Fruit > ? it said that i can make a fire within my body. "

Tanjiro tried to use the ability and thus he was successful, Tanjiro hands was on fire and he shouted with a sparkling eyes " How Cool!!! "

The Kamado Family got curious of their big brother new ability especially Takeo who got really jealous and he shouted " Nii-san! not fair! i want that ability too! "

Kie got amazed of the ability of this so called Devil Fruit and she said " Im going to continue reading the letter. " and the children got silent.

Kie " Ahem!- you'll lose the ability to swim in the water! so becareful with your in late swimming cause you'll really drown for real and everything you'll get wet you're going to feel weak and that's all and Enjoy your New ability. "

And Kie finished reading and she said " Tanjiro! keep your ability a secret for now! so you won't be on danger! "

Tanjiro nodded and said " I understand Mom! but...can i practice with it when no one can see me? "

Kie was about to say No, but looking at Tanjiro puppies eyes she sigh and said " Fine..! but only when your alone! you can't absolute use it when your in contact in another human, except if your in danger! got that?! "

Tanjiro happily nodded and he got the jealous looks of his siblings, especially Takeo and he thought in his mind ' If i only Trained seriously with Mark-nii-san! ' he regretted it.











Few days of following Shinobu and suddenly she stops, she looked at him and said " Wear this! "

Shinobu give him a white piece of cloth and Mark asked " What do you mean wear this? what for? " She suddenly covered his eyes with the white piece of cloth.

Mark " Why are you covering my eyes?! " he said angrily

Shinobu answered " Obviously we i can't trust you yet so i need to cover your eyes so you won't know where is our Headquarters! "

Suddenly he rememebers this on anime, only the trusted can know that location of the headquarters like those Pillars, so he got no choice but to accept it.

Mark asked " So im gonna hold you hand or something? "

Shinobu looked at Mark with a disdain face " No! " even thought Mark can't see he can feel the disdain in Shinobu and he thought ' Does she really hate me that much? doesn't matter, whatever i just want to join the Demon Slayer Corps to finish the Mission. '

And Shinobu left him and Mark felt it " Hey hey...your Seriously leaving me behind? " but still Mark can follow sense his senses are now enchanted.










And they arrived at the gate of the Headquarters, and Shinobu finally removed the white piece of cloth of Mark's eyes.

Shinobu said " Were here. " and she goes inside the gate and Mark Naturally followed her and as he followed her he saw a several figures.

The Male figure " Oi! Shinobu! who is that? " and the rest of the figures looked at him and naturally he knew those figures they are those so called " Pillars! "

