Tamayo 2/4

Mark " Huh? "

Tamayo " Huh? "

Mark got confused at Tamayo " Time to think? what do you mean Tamayo? "

Tamayo " Eh? you said that your interested on me right? "

Mark " Yeah? i do why? "

Tamayo " So you're basically courting me aren't you? "

Mark mind suddenly got blank and shouted " Wait...WHAT?! "

Tamayo " Eh? eh? c-could it be i misunderstand? you didn't want to court me? " she silently

Mark " No! ah-wait! maybe? i do?? "

Mark said confusedly and Tamayo who is confused too and Yushiro looked at Mark really angry, as if he was about to eat all his flesh and bones. Tamayo said confusedly " W-what is it? "

Tamayo was suppose to be a calm and gentle woman, but this time she couldn't help but blush at Mark and also confused at the same time and finally Mark decided and thought ' She's beautiful why not? i also like her, in the anime and now i saw her in real life why not? "

Mark meant before was he was interested in Tamayo, because of her want to revenge from Muzan, but because of the huge misunderstanding, this is what happened now and said with a straight forward voice " Yes, i am trying to court you! "

While confirming it, Tamayo sigh in relief that, she wasn't wrong she would be embrassed if she was and she said with a shy voice " L-like i said i think w-we need more time! since we just met.. "

Mark nodded " That is fine too, your really a beautiful woman Tamayo "

When Tamayo heard it she blushed so hard that her entire face became, really red i mean there are many people calling her Beautiful, but it's different when Mark says it.

Tamayo said " T-thank you " she smiled sweetly


Tamayo got startled from Yushiro's outburst and Mark looked at the angry Yushiro calmly, as if he expect this to happen and he said ' What do you mean steal? she isn't yours to begin with, so stop shouting "

Yushiro shouted " FUCK YOUU!! "

Yushiro formed a fist and was about to strike in Mark's face, but before it could hit in Mark's face, Mark unsheathes his Nichirin Sword and silently said " Breath Of The Dragon...! Fourth Form < Claw Of The Dragon >! "

He went to the back at Yushiro with an incredible speed, that the human eyes can't hope to see, Yushiro got paused, while forming a fist and Tamayo looked confusedly at Yushiro and said " Yushiro? "

Blood was comming out from his limbs, as he hit the ground he shouted at Mark " W-What did you do?! "

Tamayo looked at Yushiro worriedly and looked back at Mark and he said " Don't worry, i just cutted all of his limbs nothing more, it wont regenerate for atleast a week.

Mark looked at Tamayo " I know you're worried for him, but he needed to cool off, he is one of the reason why you are husbandless right now you know? " he grinned.

Tamayo looked at her angry and shouted with an embrassed tone " N-no! of course! im just single because i want to! " she rebuked Mark.

Mark smiled and said " Yeah..yeah whatever "

Mark finally, open himself to love again but not to the point that, the same love a Clarine a blind love, he would work his ass off, so he will had the feeling again, but he was still afraid of it, since what if they left him again? would he feel that painful again? he was afraid to love more openly, so as for now he love is in the level of Like atleast.

It's like i got to protect her, but not with my life it is cruel but it was still the best he can for now, he doesn't want to be betrayed again so he became more cautious about relationship.

And now after flirting with Tamayo for a while and she actually forgot about Yushiro who is in the ground groaning in pain without his limbs, as Mark reminded her about Yushiro she finally noticed and treated him, she didn't realize because she was blushing to Mark's flirting.

As she finished treating Yushiro and goes outside the basement, since she treated Yushiro in there, as she goes outside, she saw Mark's handsome face and couldn't help but blush and thought ' What im i even hesitating for...what no what im i thinking..i need more time! yes it's because i just want to be sure of my decision so i won't regret it later! '

While Tamayo thinking was that, Mark smiled and said " Are you done,treating that guy? "

Tamayo blushed at his smile, it was really dazzling! you can't blame me " Mhm...done treating Yushiro "

Mark " Now the night is still young and wanna go on a date? "

Tamayo " Date? what is that? "

(A/N : Okay i didn't heard the word date atleast in series so i assumed that they didn't know the meaning of date yet )

Mark thought ' Oh right, this wasn't in the future this was still the waring period '

Mark explained " Date, is the 2 opposite sex, is having hanging out with each other and so on. "

(A/N : I made it simple. )

Tamayo got silent for a while and said " Okay...but wait for a moment i'll get dress up "

Mark nodded and Tamayo quickly goes into her room to prepare her best outfit and also to be mentaly ready, because it's been ages since she had been asked out by a guy that she accepted it, the only person to succed asking her out was Mark other than her late husband.

Mark who was waiting outside, waiting for Tamayo to finish preparing, as he waiting and several minutes later.

Mark saw Tamayo wearing a Black Yukata with a flowers with the both side of her arm and she didn't use her hair pin and her hair wasn't braided anymore, showing her beautiful black long hair.

Mark coundn't help but say " Beautiful... "

End -

(A/N : For those who doesn't know Tamayo had a children, but was killed by Muzan and so on, so yea now do you want the next chapter to be a Date chapter or a Battle chapter? comment :P Yes for date and No for battle )