Tamayo 3/4

(A/N : Alright! New day new life! also Shout out for my top voters! MBYBigestFan!, Myself!, Earth_is_flat!, YamadaShiki!, kuma304!, ReyShii!, SFSAuthorkun!, rayyen23! Lidi and Paramvir_Singh and also man Lidi really i got to say this again you got a one weird Profile pic! )


Mark coundn't help but say " Beautiful... "

Tamayo heard Mark saying that and couldn't help but blushed and smiled sweetly and said ' Thank you... "

Mark moved forward his hand toward Tamayo and said " Shall we? "

Tamayo accepted Mark's hand and now they are now holding hands and she shyly said " Mhm.. "

And they walked toward the wall and got passed into it, after a while of walking they are now in the crowded place and i suddenly remembered and asked Tamayo seriously " Can you eat another food other than blood? "

Mark just said that to comfirm his suspicious and Tamayo answered " I can, but im not sure about the others since, some of the demons out there are unique and also how did you know that i only needed to eat blood than a human being? "

Mark said " Nothing, i knew you weren't like the others from the moment i saw you i didn't smell to much blood in you so i assumed you weren't like the others "

Accepting his explaination Tamayo said " Is that so? anyway what should we do first? "

Mark smiled at Tamayo " Buy you some new cloths "

After that they goes into the shop were they sell some Yukata and Kimono at first Tamayo was reluctant at first but after for a while, she tried some Kimono and she liked it and again and again she becoming addicted to it and asked for Mark to buy it and as for Mark he said no problem, for he could even buy her a castle with his money.

As they continued shopping, Tamayo was really enjoying this so called 'Date' since she rarely takes a break from her job as a doctor and now she is enjoying the feeling of being pampered, like every girl with their father or boyfriend.

And now she was smiling widely, curious looking at some building and goes inside it to buy some stuff, Mark has no problem on it cause he has experience after all both physically and mentally, as the two continued they're date.

Tamayo found a play near the shop that they were in and she was interested to watch it, as she looked at Mark it was really obvious that she want to see it Mark just sigh and agreed to it and she was pretty happy to it, she almost jumped if isn't for her willpower.

Mark chuckled and thought ' This is suprising, i never thought she had this girly side within her, man it's really different from the anime ' and Mark paid for the entrance and not just as an ordinary guest, but as a VIP.

(A/N : They exist alright?! like those royality that i can see every movie that i watched)

As they seated in their seats, it was a comfortable seat since it was really soft and as the time passes, the place was now filled with people and finally it was time for the PLAY to start.

The story was about a woman who had a hard life, because his husband was a bastard and left her alone, she became a beggar after that, it was really pretty cruel for a show but we just kept watching till the end.

As the story started, the woman was found by a guy, the guy pitied the woman and give her work and a place to stay and she became more sensitive about love, because of his late husband who left her and the guy who pitied her notice that she was beautiful, since she became ugly as a beggar before.

The guy who pitied her fell in love with her and was trying to court her and then blah blah blah-














At the nearing end of the story, the guy who pitied her, became her husband and that his hardword healing her broken heart wasn't that all easy and after that they got a happy life and had they a children, there the end.

After the show, there were many people who was clapping and there are some who was crying while Tamayo was almost crying, while Mark just shrugs and thought ' If it was in my world it would deem as a 3rd rate Movie... '

Tamayo " Hic..that was really a good story..hic "

Mark looked at Tamayo and thought ' Are all woman sentive about romance? ' he shook his had and give her a piece of cloth. (A/N : It's a handkerchief ) Tamayo wipe her almost going to fall tears.

Mark couldn't help but ask " Did you enjoy the show? that was actually bad you know... "

Tamayo " Yes, i indeed enjoyed it and it not bad you know that? you just don't how to appreciate it!"

Mark said into his mind ' No i do..i really do those guys were akward as hell, if it was shown in my world it would be like looking at an elementary play ' but he didn't say it and said " Sure. "

And they moved from their seat and walked toward the exit and Tamayo looked at him while smiling sweetly and said " Mark...thank you for inviting me for this i..i didn't know this so called 'Date' would be so fun..this was the first time i've been doing this ever since was born i truly enjoyed it..i hope we will go for more in the future "

Mark smiled " Don't worry we will...if you accept my courting to you "

Tamayo pouted " That's unfair! "

Mark " No, it isn't i mean look me! i've been carrying this boxes for you. "

Tamayo " Ah, sorry fufu.. "

They finally finished their date and it was time for Tamayo to go back in her house, Mark accompanied her since he is also sleeping in her house.

As they walked in the road, they saw a 2 figure walking toward them and Tamayo said " Demons! "

Mark said " Indeed they are "

The girl figure said " We finally found you Tamayo, Muzan-sama asks for you head! "